Manoj·Mar 26, 2024Android - Modify hosts fileI use Cordova to bundle a web application as a native app for ease of distribution. To test the site locally, but on the simulator, I needed to modify the hosts file on the Android simulator to point the test domain to the host machine: Start the em...DiscussAndroid
khalid·Oct 9, 2023AWS - Ansible projectStep 1 : First of all you have to create one Ec2 instance and their name is master-ansible-server. Step 2 : In second step you can connect your ec2 instance with ec2 instance connect or you can do ssh. Step 3 : Then you can install ansible in your e...DiscussAWS
Sandeep·Jun 19, 2023What is subnet, Subnetting mask and resolving to find number of Hosts, N/w address & Broadcast address. Route table,IP gateway and Region explanation:A subnet is a subdivision of a larger network. It allows you to divide a network into smaller logical networks, called subnets, for more efficient management and better resource allocation. Subnetting is commonly used to improve network performance, ...Discuss·1 like·150 readsnetworking
Achebe Okechukwu·Oct 2, 2022Calculation of Network IP, Number of hosts, Range of IP addresses and Broadcast IP from a given Subnet.The sample IP and subnet for the above calculations is The IP address is and subnet is 29. Calculating Network IP. In the calulation of Network IP, the ip and subnet in binary form are necessary to get the Network IP....Discuss·411 readshosts