Tiziano Massalertamalware.hashnode.dev·Nov 12, 2024Hack the Box — Sherlock Brutus - SoluciónBienvenidos a una nueva resolución de un sherlock en la plataforma de Hack the Box. Para quienes no conozcan, podríamos mencionar que los sherlock son una especie de “CTF” pero para el ámbito de Blue Team, donde HTB ofrece diversas opciones como anál...Discuss#HackTheBox
Tiziano Massalertamalware.hashnode.dev·Sep 11, 2024Hack the Box - Máquina Fawn - SoluciónBienvenidos a una nueva resolución de una máquina vulnerable en la plataforma de Hack the Box. Fawn es una máquina de dificultad muy fácil ubicada en el Tier 0 del Starting Point de Hack the Box. Como siempre, nuestro objetivo es apoderarnos del arch...Discuss#HackTheBox
Agnellus Fernandesagnellusx1.hashnode.dev·Aug 16, 2024HTB - ICleanMachine Details OS: Linux Difficulty: Medium Dashboard: IClean Recon Nmap Scan Findings The scan reveals two open ports Port 22 - Running SSH (usually boring and a rabbit hole) Port 80 - Interesting! It's running an Apache httpd Server with Werkz...DiscussHTB WriteUpshtb
Agnellus Fernandesagnellusx1.hashnode.dev·Jul 20, 2024HTB - HeadlessMachine Details OS: Linux Difficulty: Easy Dashboard: Headless Recon Nmap Scan Findings The scan reveals two open ports Port 22 - Running SSH (usually boring and a rabbit hole) Port 5000 - Interesting! It's running a Werkzeug Server with Python ...DiscussHTB WriteUpshtb
Agnellus Fernandesagnellusx1.hashnode.dev·Jul 19, 2024HTB - PermXMachine Details OS: Linux Difficulty: Easy Dashboard: PermX Recon Visit IP The subdomain was not being resolved, so we updated the hosts file in our system to resolve this subdomain Findings Once we have updated our hosts file with the IP and Sub...Discuss·202 readsHTB WriteUpsHTB Machines
pointedsecpointedsec.hashnode.dev·Jul 6, 2024Authority | HackTheBoxIntroducción Authority es una máquina de dificultad media de HackTheBox basada en Windows. En esta máquina se tocan conceptos de enumeración del protocolo SMB, donde encontraremos playbooks de Ansible, en estos playbooks se contiene "vaults" encripta...Discuss·26 readsESC1
HackerHQhackerhq.hashnode.dev·Jun 8, 2024Blurry Writeup | Hack The BoxIntroduction Hack The Box (HTB) is an online platform providing a range of virtual machines (VMs) and challenges for both aspiring and professional penetration testers. One of these intriguing challenges is the "Blurry" machine, which offers a compre...Discuss·396 readsBlurry Writeup
HackerHQhackerhq.hashnode.dev·May 4, 2024Mailing HTB Writeup | HacktheBoxHack The Box New Machine Mailing Write-up In this Post, You will learn how to CTF Mailing from hackthebox and If you have any doubts comment down below I will help you 👇🏾 Full Write-up- https://www.hackerhq.tech/ Mailing is a 20-point machine on Ha...Discuss·3.9K readsMailing HTB Writeup
Mauro CarrilloforAgrawain - Write Upsagrawain-writeups.hashnode.dev·Mar 11, 2024Write up | Active - Maquina RetiradaComenzamos validando que tenemos conexión con la maquina y siguiente de este realizamos un escaneo con nmap, donde tenemos lo siguiente: # Nmap 7.94SVN scan initiated Mon Mar 11 10:43:50 2024 as: nmap -sCV -p53,88,135,139,389,445,464,636,3268,3269,57...DiscussHTB Machines
Mauro CarrilloforAgrawain - Write Upsagrawain-writeups.hashnode.dev·Mar 10, 2024Write up | Napper - Maquina Activa | Savage Lands Season 4Starting Nmap 7.94 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2023-11-13 13:28 CST Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.079s latency). Not shown: 998 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 1...Discusshtb