Kofi / Illestpreachablog.illestpreacha.com·Nov 23, 2024WCCC_LiquidsPuddlesInGray For this week's Creative Code challenge by @sableRaph: Liquids, PuddlesInGray is Coded with Hydra & SonicPi. Digital Splashes and Puddles are visualized through the Hydra sketch. As Beverages are liquids & Some are colours, Sonified thr...WCCChallenge#wccc
Kofi / Illestpreachablog.illestpreacha.com·Oct 24, 2024Mathober2024_SpiderGraphFeralWebbing For the 20th sketch of Mathober2024, FeralWebbing is coded in Hydra with a Spider Graph (24th Prompt of Matohober2024) with Rawgraphs. Poem Webbings Overlapping Circular fields snapping Eclipsing Shadows Dipping Light sources Slipping We...Mathober2024rawgraphs
Kofi / Illestpreachablog.illestpreacha.com·Oct 16, 2024Mathober2024_SetLineSecting2 For the 15th piece of Mathober2024, the 28th prompt: Set is used to showcase sets of intersecting lines that merge with other lines to make the colors seen on the screen. LineSecting2 coded with P5js, Hydra & Sonicpi is a remake of last ...Mathober2024p5.js
Kofi / Illestpreachablog.illestpreacha.com·Oct 2, 2024Mathober2024_InvertedBallingPaths For my second sketch of Mathober coded in LiveCodeLab & Hydra, BallingPaths will be using the 2nd prompt of Mathober 2024: Inverted. This is done by using the invert function in Hydra to modify the colors of the LiveCodeLab animation. Po...Mathober2024Hydra
Kofi / Illestpreachablog.illestpreacha.com·Aug 12, 2024WCCC_MathematicalDecayHorsesHorsingAround For this week's Creative Code challenge hosted by Raphaël de Courville , I combined the runner ups & winning topic of "Mathematical , Decay & Unrealistic Horses" to make HorsingAround. Coding Languages used ; Locomotion & Hydra for the ...WCCChallengelocomotion
Kofi / Illestpreachablog.illestpreacha.com·Jul 10, 2024WCCC_SelfPortraitGlitchySelves For this week's Creative Code challenge by @sableRaph:"Self Portrait", GlitchySelves is coded in LiveCodingYoutube, Hydra & SonicPi. GlitchySelves takes old code from a previously coded video : https://youtu.be/2tADYfIVLKE mixed with ne...26 readsWCCChallengeanimation
Kofi / Illestpreachablog.illestpreacha.com·Apr 21, 2024NaPoWriMo x NaPoGenMo 2024 Day 21:PoeticReflections For the 21st day of NaPoWriMo/NaPoGenMo 2024, 'PoeticReflections' coded in Hydra & Sies8s puts the poem in a reflective / near symmetrical animated state. Poem Allow myself to reset Allow my mind to reflect Inspect what the feelings...NaPoGenMo X NaPoWriMo 2024JavaScript
Kofi / Illestpreachablog.illestpreacha.com·Apr 16, 2024NaPoWriMo x NaPoGenMo 2024 Day 15: Coded Sojis AgainSojisInHydra2 For the14th day of NaPoWriMo/NaPoGenMo 2024, the Hydra code is written in the format of a Soji : "*A Korean verse form related to haiku and tanka and comprised of three lines of 14-16 syllables each, for a total of 44-46 syllables." -*P...NaPoGenMo X NaPoWriMo 2024JavaScript
Kofi / Illestpreachablog.illestpreacha.com·Apr 15, 2024NaPoWriMo x NaPoGenMo 2024 Day 14: Coded SojisSojisInHydra For the14th day of NaPoWriMo/NaPoGenMo 2024, the Hydra code is written in the format of a Soji : "A Korean verse form related to haiku and tanka and comprised of three lines of 14-16 syllables each, for a total of 44-46 syllables." -**Po...NaPoGenMo X NaPoWriMo 2024JavaScript
Kofi / Illestpreachablog.illestpreacha.com·Apr 12, 2024NaPoWriMo x NaPoGenMo 2024 Day12: Glitchy & Short Pt 2GlitchyPoeticWhirl For the 12th day of NaPoWriMo/NaPoGenMo 2024, I am reusing the prompt of Glitchy & Short. The Coding Languages used for this was playertdfgcvb & Hydra and then was slowed down and layered for effects. Poem Words That Move Can Hit ...NaPoGenMo X NaPoWriMo 2024JavaScript