Aaron Jevil Nazarethaarons-space.hashnode.dev·Jan 20, 2025Idempotent API: How Stripe Ensures Reliable PaymentsHello there fellow coders and web surfers! While making online payments, we’ve all experienced a case where the amount was deducted from our bank account, but the page shows an error. Then, we retry the payment, only to end up with a double charge. ...APIs
Eklemis Santo Nduneknotes.app·Nov 28, 2024Enhancing Data Confidence with Idempotent PipelinesIn our previous discussion on data pipelines, we explored how data moves from collection to processing and delivery, transforming raw information into valuable insights. Now, let's delve deeper into a concept that significantly enhances the reliabili...idempotence
Milan Jovanovićmilanjovanovic.hashnode.dev·Oct 26, 2024Implementing Idempotent REST APIs in ASP.NET CoreIdempotency is a crucial concept for REST APIs that ensures the reliability and consistency of your system. An idempotent operation can be repeated multiple times without changing the result beyond the initial API request. This property is especially...80 readsREST API
Jamiu Olanrewajutechwithlanre.hashnode.dev·Oct 11, 2024Idempotency In LaravelIn modern web applications, ensuring that certain operations, such as payment processing or resource creation, are only executed once—even if the client retries the request—is critical. This behavior is achieved through idempotency. In this article, ...29 readsThe Ultimate Laravel Guideidempotence
Atharv Sankpalatharvsankpal7.hashnode.dev·Oct 4, 2024Understanding Idempotence: Ensuring Consistency in API RequestsIdempotence means that an API should return the same response for the same request. While this concept is generally associated with methods like PUT or DELETE, it can also apply to POST in certain contexts, especially when implementing mechanisms to ...idempotence
Nicolas FränkelforApache APISIXapisix.hashnode.dev·Apr 11, 2024Implementing the Idempotency-Key specification on Apache APISIXLast week, I wrote an analysis of the IETF Idempotency-Key specification. The specification aims to avoid duplicated requests. In short, the idea is for the client to send a unique key along with the request: If the server doesn't know the key, it p...80 likesLua
Nicolas FränkelforApache APISIXapisix.hashnode.dev·Apr 4, 2024Fixing duplicate API requestsThe first rule of distributed systems is "Don’t distribute your system". Designing distributed systems right is infamously hard for multiple reasons. The idempotency concept For example, a call to a function can succeed or fail in non-distributed sys...61 likes·27 readsAPIs
Daniel AdetunjiforfreeCodeCampfreecodecamp.org·Feb 29, 2024What is Idempotence? Explained with Real-World ExamplesIdempotence is a property of an operation that ensures that, if the operation is repeated once or more than once, you get the same result. Apply it once or more and the outcome's the same, idempotence is the name. All rhyming aside, idempotence is an...idempotence
Harsh Daiyablog.harshdaiya.com·Jan 11, 2023FeaturedIdempotency in Data pipelines - OverviewIdempotency is an important concept in data engineering, particularly when working with distributed systems or databases. In simple terms, an operation is said to be idempotent if running it multiple times has the same effect as running it once. This...31 likes·575 readsPython
Nextwebbnextwebb.hashnode.dev·Jan 4, 2023Why is idempotency very critical in APIs?Idempotence is an essential concept in APIs; it allows clients to make similar requests without causing problems or changing the system's state💡. For instance, consider an API that has a "create user" endpoint. Suppose this endpoint is not idempoten...10 likes·127 readsAPI Design