Anmol·Jan 19, 2025Tips for Mastering Else If Statements in JavaScriptMastering the else if Statement in JavaScript The else if statement in JavaScript provides a way to test multiple conditions and execute code based on which condition is true. It allows you to handle more complex decision-making scenarios by sequenti...else if Statement in JavaScript
Yashraj·Jan 12, 2025Control Structures in Go: A Beginner’s GuideAfter diving into the basics of syntax and data types in my previous blog, I realized the importance of control structures in shaping the logic of any program. Control structures are the tools we use to dictate the flow of a program based on conditio...golang
Ahamad Basha·Dec 9, 2024the World of Control Structures! 🎢the World of Control Structures! 🎢 "Life is all about the choices we make and path we follow." Same goes for the code as well. Control Structures Let's explore how code can make decisions. Control structures are the building blocks that dictate the ...learncsharp·Dec 3, 2024Understanding if-else Statements and Conditional Operators in PythonDecision-making is a crucial part of programming. Python allows you to write code that makes decisions using if-else statements and conditional operators. In this article, we’ll dive into how these work and see examples to help you get started. What...Beginners Guide To Programmingif-else
Ankita·Nov 30, 2024Let's Dive into Shell Scripting!A shell script is a computer program intended to run by a Unix-like shell, which is a command-line interpreter; it is essentially a text file containing a series of commands that the shell interprets and executes. Why Use Shell Scripts? Shell script
Leonardo·Nov 4, 2024Usando Conditional Else em Loops em PythonEstava eu lendo o livro CPython Internals e depois de dar uma bisbilhotada na sintaxe da linguagem Python, eis que encontro algo assim no arquivo Grammar/Grammar (Branch correspondente a versão 3.9): while_stmt: 'while' namedexpr_test ':' suite ['els...Python
Kelvin·Oct 19, 2024How to use conditional statements(if, elif, and else) in python.Table of Contents: Introduction Overview of Python's versatility and simplicity in programming. Basic Conditional Statements Explanation of if statements and their usage. Introduction to executing code based on conditions (if). The else Stat...1 likeConditional statement in python
Dinesh Kumar·Oct 13, 2024Control Structures in Shell ScriptingControl structures are essential components of shell scripting that allow you to control the flow of execution based on certain conditions or to repeat tasks. This blog post will explore conditional statements, loops, and case statements, providing y...LinuxLinux
Arnav·Oct 8, 2024Control Flow in Python: If Statements, Loops, and MoreWhen writing code, you'll often need to make decisions and control how the program flows based on different conditions. This is known as control flow, and Python offers various ways to implement it. In this article, we’ll explore Python's control flo...10 likesPython for Noobscontrol flow
Dristanta·Oct 3, 2024Grammars in Programming LanguageWhen we write code, we follow rules of syntax—how the code should look. But there's more to it than just getting the syntax right. The way the code is structured directly affects what it means and how it behaves. This intersection of syntax and seman...Programming Blogs