Rohit·Sep 18, 2024Full Stack Java Development: Chapter 2 - Fundamentals of Java and Its EvolutionIntroduction In this chapter, we will explore the fundamentals of Java, tracing its history from its origins to its current status as a leading programming language. We’ll examine its development, how it achieved platform independence, and how it dif...34 readsFull Stack Java DevelopmentFull Stack Java Development·Mar 3, 2024Java Fundamentals - Conditional StatementsPernyataan kondisional (conditional statement) ada pada berbagai bahasa pemrograman untuk menginstrusikan komputer agar mengambil tindakan jika sebuah atau beberapa kondisi terpenuhi. Tindakan tersebut diambil jika dan hanya jika kondisi yang telah d...5 likes·134 readsJava DeveloperJava
Xander·Sep 15, 2018Mastering Iterative Statements in JavaJava, as a versatile and powerful programming language, provides several tools for developers to efficiently handle repetitive tasks. Iterative statements, also known as loops, are fundamental constructs that allow you to execute a block of code repe...JavaJava
Xander·Aug 12, 2018Bitwise operator | JavaIn Java, bitwise operators are used to perform operations on individual bits of integer types (int, long, short, char, and byte). We can apply this operator for integral type also in boolean as well. There are several bitwise operators, each of whic...JavaJava
Xander·Aug 5, 2018Arithmetic operator | JavaArithmetic operators in Java are used to perform mathematical operations on numerical values. These operations include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulo (remainder). Here's an explanation of each arithmetic operator: Additi...Javajava fundamentals