Sandeep·May 22, 2024Understanding Point-to-Point (P2P) MessagingIn the point-to-point messaging model, messages are sent from a producer to a single consumer via a queue. Each message is consumed by one consumer. This model is suitable for scenarios where each message requires processing by a single recipient. P2...DiscussIntegration Point-to-Point
Hemant·Jan 23, 2024Fanout exchange in RabbitMQUnlike Direct Exchange, Fanout exchange routes the messages to all the queues bound to it. That's why it doesn't need a routing key How to Create Fanout Exchange ? Login to RabbitMQ web UI. Go to "Exchanges" and click on "Add new exchange" Provid...DiscussRabbitMQrabbitmq
Ashwin·Jan 7, 2023Exploring JMS specifications and featuresWith JMS-1.x Specification: Developers had to keep the following things in mind Establish a connection Initiate a session Close the connection & session Handle exceptions Reading messages by typecasting. With the new JMS-2 specification: The JMSConte...Discuss·53 readsjms
Ashwin·Jan 4, 2023Java Messaging Service and Message QueuesWhat is JMS? The Java Messaging Service (JMS), which is part of the Java Community Process [JSR-914], was designed by Sun Microsystems and several other organizations. As per the design's final draft, we had a common set of APIs that can be used as a...Discuss·59 readsjms
Hector Miuler Malpica·Feb 16, 2018Enviar un jms desde un script scala (Ammonite)Siempre existe la necesidad de tener utilitarios para hacer pequeñas tareas, en mi caso volvió a aparecer la necesidad de enviar un mensaje a cola, y aunque podría crear mi proyecto java, necesitaría tener agregar la dependencia ya sea como un jar, o...Discuss·55 readsScala