Dave Gaunkysaltyoldgeek.hashnode.dev·Dec 30, 2024Sync Joplin Clients with Self-Hosted ServerRecap It's been a minute since my last post, life happens, so here's a continuation of the previous post "Self-Host a Joplin Sync Server in Proxmox". In that post we set up a self-hosted Joplin sync server, here we'll use that server to sync our Jopl...xda
Dave Gaunkysaltyoldgeek.hashnode.dev·Oct 10, 2024Self-Host a Joplin Sync Server in ProxmoxIntro In a previous post, I had written a guide to set up Obsidian and CouchDB for sync, since then I've struggled to get in a groove and keep things running. This post is the first in a two-part series on setting Joplin and hosting your own sync ser...proxmox
Esli Silvaesli.blog.br·Jul 24, 2024Hora do café #3 - Apps de notas, produtividade e a onda do segundo cérebroHá um movimento crescente que consiste em gastar quantidades excessivas de tempo organizando e organizando sua base de conhecimento pessoal e notas. Esse movimento é apelidado de tecnologia do “segundo cérebro”, porque a crença é que ligar suas notas...59 readsTechnotes
Mekha Lmekhal.hashnode.dev·Jun 29, 2024Setting Up Joplin on Arch Based Linux System: The Solution That Worked for MeAs an avid note-taker and organizer, I’ve always sought out the best tools to streamline my workflow. Joplin, a versatile and open-source note-taking app, quickly became my go-to choice. However, setting it up on my Arch-based Garuda Linux system pro...34 readsArchLinux
Raghuu'raghuu87.hashnode.dev·May 6, 2024My D's P's L's Js _ Day5 _ Getting Familiar (1); Other Developments (4).\\ Let's Begin... \\ Getting Familiar {Day1}_ Getting Familiar with Linux (1) : Getting familiar with Linux in broader terms involves understanding not just the technical aspects of the operating system but also its philosophy, ecosystem, and communi...git.io
Raghuu'raghuu87.hashnode.dev·May 2, 2024Raghuu''s D's P's L's Js _ Day 1 _ Git(VCS)--Hub(REPO.) (01); Open Source (1) ; Other Developments (1).Note : I've just started using this platform, and this is my very first day (yesterday - MH Day) of using it and writing something on it. So, don't expect high quality and well formatted content just yet. The main purpose of this content creation is ...Git