Tuanhdotnettuanhnet.hashnode.dev·Feb 13, 2025Mastering the @MapKey Annotation for Map RelationshipsSource: Mastering the @MapKey Annotation for Map Relationships 1. Understanding the @MapKey Annotation The @MapKey annotation is used in Hibernate to define a map relationship where each entry in the map is a key-value pair. This allows you to...hibernate
Tuanhdotnettuanhnet.hashnode.dev·Feb 8, 2025Using @MappedSuperclass in JPA: Code Examples, Demos, and ResultsSource: Using @MappedSuperclass in JPA: Code Examples, Demos, and Results 1. What is @MappedSuperclass in JPA? @MappedSuperclass is a JPA annotation used to define classes that can pass down their mappings to subclasses. However, unlike @Entity ...Spring
Mihai Popescujavainterviewprep.hashnode.dev·Feb 7, 2025Random interview preparation subjectsJPA Repository: What It Is Used For and Main Features What is JPA Repository? JpaRepository is a part of Spring Data JPA, which provides a convenient way to interact with a relational database using JPA (Java Persistence API). It extends PagingAndSor...Java
Aouassar Asmaealgostyle.hashnode.dev·Jan 22, 2025Integration Testing for JPA Repository in Spring BootWhy Intergation Test and Not Unit Test ? Unit Tests : Not ideal for testing Spring Data repositories because they require mocking many JPA components, which can disrupt the repository’s functionality. Integration Tests : Better suited for testing r...Spring Boot
Tuanhdotnettuanhnet.hashnode.dev·Jan 17, 2025How Hibernate ORM Works Under the HoodSource: How Hibernate ORM Works Under the Hood 1. Overview of Hibernate ORM Hibernate ORM acts as a bridge between your Java application and the database, abstracting away the complexities of data management. By mapping Java classes to databas...hibernate
João Esperancinhajesperancinha.hashnode.dev·Jan 9, 2025Protecting Applications with Kong security plugins and using StatsD to monitor system states — A healthy camera story1. Introduction One of the issues we all face in current times when developing software is the need and the will to monitor and keep applications in check. Instead of just using metrics to study and investigate our application, we can also use them f...kong micronaut
João Esperancinhajesperancinha.hashnode.dev·Jan 9, 2025Kotlin Coroutines vs Java Virtual Threads — A good story, but just that…1. Introduction In this article, we are going to have a trial-and-error look at two different implementations of Coroutines also known as Continuations within the JVM. These are Java Virtual Threads which are a part of Project Loom and Kotlin Corouti...goodstory
João Esperancinhajesperancinha.hashnode.dev·Jan 8, 2025Configurable Kong API Gateway with Micronaut Services in Kotlin — A very odd Yucca tribute concert1. Introduction King Kong, the Movie, was released on the 28th of April 1933. Fast-forward and Donkey Kong, the Video Game that was released on the 14th of June 1994. Kong seems to have a really nice association with Gorillas. Gorillaz, the virtual b...Kotlin
João Esperancinhajesperancinha.hashnode.dev·Jan 8, 2025Learning AWS with Localstack and Reactive Kotlin — A stamps and coins implementation1. Introduction Amazon Web Services have been around since at least 2002 to provide commercially available cloud computing. Whether in concept still or already physically available, the designation of cloud computing goes way back up until 1996. This...Kotlin
Quan Nguyenituniverse.hashnode.dev·Jan 8, 2025Optimistic and Pessimistic Locking in JPA💡 Khóa (locking) là một cơ chế cho phép thực hiện công việc song song với cùng một dữ liệu trong cơ sở dữ liệu. Khi có nhiều giao dịch (transaction) cố gắng truy cập cùng một dữ liệu cùng lúc, các khóa sẽ được sử dụng để đảm bảo rằng chỉ có mộ...3 likes·29 readsSpring Frameworkjpa