Maximiliano·Feb 4, 2025Instalación de un cluster Kafka utilizando Kafka OperatorIndice: Introducción Importancia de la orquestación de servicios Beneficios de usar Kafka Operator Etapa 1: Instalar Kafka Operator Paso 1: Instalar Operator Lifecycle Manager Paso 2: Instalar el Strimzi Kafka Operator Paso 3: Verificar la i...kafka·Feb 1, 2025Apache Kafka: A Complete OverviewWhat is Apache Kafka? Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed event streaming platform designed for high-throughput, fault-tolerant, and real-time data processing. Originally developed by LinkedIn, Kafka is now a top-level Apache project used by m...Apache Kafka
Rohit·Dec 4, 2024Kafka: Replications and ISRIn Apache Kafka, the replication factor refers to the number of copies (replicas) of a topic partition that are maintained across the Kafka cluster. ISR stands for In-Sync Replicas. It is the set of all replicas (including the leader replica) that ar...56 readsMicroservices Architecturekafka
Shubham·Dec 1, 2024Learning Kafka: Week 1 of 14-Day Journey With Shubham GoreTopics What is Kafka?: Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform that allows for publishing, subscribing to, storing, and processing streams of records in real-time. It's designed to handle high-throughput, fault-tolerant, and scalable data p...1 like·47 readskafka
Ijlal·Nov 30, 2024Notification Microservice using Kafka and FCMIntroduction Notifications are a crucial part of any day-to-day application, including social media, finance, e-commerce, and many more. While they may seem simple, their underlying architecture is what makes them highly efficient. From chat applicat...76 readskafka
Siddhartha·Nov 24, 2024Apache Kafka: Architectural Overview and Performance MechanismsIntroduction Kafka is a distributed event store and stream processing platform originally developed by LinkedIn for real-time processing. In 2011, Kafka was transferred to the Apache Software Foundation, and since then, countless software development...10 likes·27 readsDistributed Systemskafka
Pratik·Nov 10, 2024EDA using kafka in node jsnew to kafka ? click here - Why Kafka? Steps to follow Setup the Kafka Config We need Producer to produce events We need Consumer to consume events in a specific topic Setup Kafka: install kafkajs use npm i kafkajs or bun add kafkajs run zook...kafka
Shiv·Oct 1, 2024Mitigating Kafka Latency at High Throughput: Optimizations and Best PracticesIncreased Latency with High Throughput in Kafka: Technical Insights and Optimizations Kafka, built for high-throughput messaging, can face increased latency as throughput rises due to broker overload, network bandwidth limits, and disk I/O constraint...26 readskafka topic
Patrick·Sep 19, 2024Installing Kafka and Zookeeper on Ubuntu: A Simple TutorialINTRODUCTION Objectif de la documentation Présentation rapide de Kafka et Zookeeper Pré-requis Configuration minimale requise pour le serveur Dépendances nécessaires (Java, etc.) avoir minimum trois terminaux ouvert Installation de Kafka Té...23 likes·120 readsUbuntu·Jul 8, 2024Kafka 토픽 발행으로 Mysql 부하 줄이기🤯 문제 발생 회사 광고팀에서 사용하던 mysql이 터졌다 정확히는 connection pool이 너무 많이 늘어나면서 요청을 다 처리하지 못하고 뻗어버렸다 유력 범인 후보로는 내가 관리하는 추천 API 서버가 지목이 되었다 문제를 해결해보자 😌 🤔 원인이 무엇이었을까? 우선적으로 광고 유효 업체 api 구조를 살펴보자 추천 api를 통해 광고 업체들의 유효성 판별 요청을 광고 서버에 보낸다 해당 광고 서버는 정보가 담긴 mysql ...1 like·32 readsMySQL