h00dyblog.h00dy.me·Jan 24, 2023TryHackMe KoTH Machine HackersKoTH Hackers IP: Open Ports Via Nmap - nmap -sC -sV 21 22 80 9999 Subdirectories Via Gobuster - /news /contact /img /staff /backdoor Login via ftp anonymously - We'll get a note, which will give us usernames to bru...63 readstryhackme
h00dyblog.h00dy.me·Jan 24, 2023TryHackMe KoTH Machine ProductionKoTH Production IP: Let's search for Open Ports via Nmap: nmap -sC -sV -oN nmap/initial 21 22 139 445 9001 9002 We can see anonymous login enabled for ftp: Let's login Then (: We get id-rsa of a user, if we get the pu...987 readstryhackme