Amadeusz Annissimoannissimo.com路Mar 22, 2024How to set up connection to MySQL database through SSH Tunnel in Laravel SailI recently ran into a situation, where I had to connect to MySQL database from within a Laravel app in Laravel Sail via SSH tunnel. Specifically, in the app I'm working on (, I am caching prompts to Chat GPT API in the database sha...548 readslaravel sail
Lee How Munhowmun.dev路Jan 22, 2024Laravel Sail - Failed to open stream: Permission deniedA fresh Laravel Sail installation is getting the error Failed to open stream: Permission denied whenever when we go to http://localhost or run artisan command such as: sail artisan make:model Turns out that Sail was running as 'sail' user but my WSL ...130 readslaravel sail
Amadeusz Annissimoannissimo.com路Nov 22, 2023How to push to remote Git repo from VS Code Docker devcontainer on Windows with WSL2I've been recently experimenting with migrating my local Laragon dev environment to Docker with Laravel Sail. One of the problems I ran into, was pushing to my remote repo via SSH. I like to make a push directly from VS Code by selecting "push" optio...342 readsDocker
Mohamad Mahmoodmohamadrazzimy.hashnode.dev路Aug 17, 2023Laravel Sail - The stream or file "/var/www/html/storage/logs/laravel.log" could not be opened in append modeDescription: When a root user in WSL Ubuntu runs the command "./vendor/bin/sail up", docker creates a container but the generated Laravel web page displays the following error message: The stream or file "/var/www/html/storage/logs/laravel.log" could...wsl ubuntu
Umar Adejohstradoxcodes.hashnode.dev路Jul 13, 2023Dockerizing a Laravel 10 API and Nuxt 3 FrontendLaravel comes with a pretty handy way to use docker during development, it is called Laravel Sail and is a great implementation managed by the Laravel team itself. In fact, there's a LABEL option in the Dockerfile that names the maintainer as none ot...951 readsLaravel
Bryandevlogbook.hashnode.dev路Sep 24, 2022Run Multiple Laravel Sail Projects on Same MachineAdd the following to the .env file and make sure the following ports are different from each app APP_PORT=81 FORWARD_DB_PORT=33061 FORWARD_MAILHOG_PORT=12051 FORWARD_MAILHOG_DASHBOARD_PORT=8027 FORWARD_REDIS_PORT=63791 FORWARD_MINIO_PORT=9001 FORWARD...1 like路90 readslaravel sail