Victor BonaforValari |·Dec 3, 2024From Integration to Innovation: Dynamic VPNs for Real-Time PaymentsBy Victor Bona, Senior Software Engineer at Valari Summary The article explores the challenges and solutions involved in integrating financial institutions with service providers that require secure VPN connections. At Valari, we have developed a Dyn...38 readsbanking
Sebastian AlvaradoforValari |·Aug 7, 2024¿Se aprobó el Banking as a Service en 🇲🇽 con la figura del Comisionista Digital?El Banking as a Service (BaaS) ha sido un catalizador para el crecimiento de la industria fintech global. El BaaS consiste en la formalización de alianzas y conexiones técnicas entre bancos y empresas no bancarias (principalmente de tecnología), para...276 readsBanking as a Service en Méxicofintech as a service
AlejandroforValari |·Apr 25, 2024El Surgimiento del Comisionista de Base Tecnológica: Transformando la Industria Financiera MexicanaLa industria financiera en México podría estar próxima a experimentar un cambio trascendental con la introducción del Comisionista de Base Tecnológica. Este nuevo jugador que parecería estar más cerca de entrar en el ecosistema financiero, tiene el p...52 readsfintech
Adrian·Apr 7, 2024Tropical.rb, an intimate experience that brought the whole LATAM Ruby community togetherI'm still in Brazil, but I have that feeling that "it's over". It's that feeling you get after you had the most wonderful time on a getaway with friends, and you forgot the monotony of work and life. Tropical.rb was a surprise to me. The Brazil Ruby ...165 readsRuby
Jonathan DockrellforSkyTrade·Jan 7, 2024SkyTradeLinks and JHELY Global PartnershipSkyTradeLinks Inc. and JHELY Global S.L. have joined forces to revolutionize the real estate industry by unlocking new opportunities in air rights and property transactions. The partnership between SkyTrade, the premier air rights marketplace, and J...1 like·45 readsair rights