Aakashi Jaiswalaakashi.hashnode.dev·Feb 9, 2025Farza Majeed: The man who made Community for Builders and DreamersFarza Majeed is the visionary founder of Buildspace, a unique platform designed as an alternative path for dreamers who don't quite fit the traditional academic or professional mold. Buildspace's core mission is to empower individuals to discover the...10 likesfarza majeed
Ayesha Azharayesha.azharhussain.net·Aug 25, 2024Fast University Orientation: Freebies, Laughs, and Rumbling StomachsWelcome to Fast University, where orientation day is a rollercoaster of experiences! Armed with free bags and notebooks, freshmen flooded the campus, ready to conquer college life. Pro tip: These freebies are perfect for jotting down "Things I Wished...5 likes·77 reads#orientation
S Sharath Lingamsharathlingam.hashnode.dev·Jul 18, 2024Practice learning in public 👥Have you ever thought, "Ooh, I'm not a well-socializing person...", "I don't know how to show recruiters that I have the expertise they expect...", or even "How can I get recognized by a recruiter?" It's not as complicated as you might think. However...2 likesMaster Coding in College: A Free Guide for Aspiring DevelopersDeveloper
Maximiliano Bertta Borgesmaximiliem.hashnode.dev·Jun 14, 2024Data Engineering: a new hopeSince 2011 my work area has been administrative, but I want to change that. At 2023 I started to walk into a beautiful way... Web Development. So, my vision of programming was changed. I really enjoyed that route, the classmates, the teachers, all of...data-engineering
Mridu Bhatnagarmridubhatnagar.hashnode.dev·Feb 15, 2024Close to a decade of being an 'adult'. Here's, a list of lessons I have learned the hard way !!I feel 'real adulthood' started after graduation. When, there were tons of decisions to make. Along with times when there was no decision to make. Life happened. Below are the list of things I learned. Amidst the chaos. 1. The more people with varied...1 like·53 readslife
Jatin Shihorajatinshihora.hashnode.dev·Jan 19, 2024I Tried Every Coding Path - Here's how I chose native android dev as my first development domain among so many options during my undergrad studies.Peer Insights and Confusion During the second year of my undergrad B.Tech degree, I found myself at a crossroads. Everyone around me was embarking on their unique development journey—some diving into ML and AI enticed by the fame of an honors degree ...11 likes·290 readsWeb Development
Katya Prusakovanownow.hashnode.dev·Jan 15, 2024How not to work remotely?Being digital nomad is of the most rewarding yet hectic experiences of my life, and I thought I'd share some thoughts about it. I lived on 4 different continents and more than 20 countries in last 2 years. Between social media post where I was smilin...2 likes·194 readsdigitalnomad
Marketer Alabitestimony788.hashnode.dev·Jan 13, 2024How To Get LostSometimes you need an excuse to get lost. Half a dozen years ago, before magazines began to perish in droves, a publication called Afar started an innovative feature called “Spin the Globe.” The concept was simple. A writer was told to hold a week op...life
Shashwot Niraulashashwot.hashnode.dev·Jan 6, 2024Navigating the Unexpected: My 2023 JourneyUnexpected twists and turns defined the narrative of my 2023, a year that unfolded in ways I hadn't anticipated. It was a rollercoaster ride, marked by both peaks and valleys, offering profound lessons that contributed to my personal and academic gro...30 readsStory
Rudresh Sharmabtb.hashnode.dev·Jan 4, 2024Sharing some insights while learning git&GithubHey Tech Bolies...., Thanks to passing from there, I know these two terms from my 12th ,but i never took them serious i just knew there logo and that these are inevitable things in GSoC(Google Summer Of Code) , for just indicating that i am still not...10 likesLife experiences