Bùi Quâneminelinsights.hashnode.dev·Feb 14, 2025Các khái niệm bổ sung về Load BalancingBài viết này sẽ điểm qua các khái niệm bổ sung về cân bằng tải, từ các phương pháp phân phối tải nâng cao đến các biện pháp tối ưu hóa hiệu suất và bảo mật, giúp nâng cao khả năng hoạt động của các ứng dụng hiện đại. Cân Bằng Tải Không Trạng Thái (St...Load Balancing
Bùi Quâneminelinsights.hashnode.dev·Feb 14, 2025Các thuật toán của Load BalancingThuật toán cân bằng tải là một phương pháp được bộ cân bằng tải sử dụng để phân phối lưu lượng truy cập đến và các yêu cầu giữa nhiều máy chủ hoặc tài nguyên. Mục đích chính của thuật toán cân bằng tải là đảm bảo sử dụng hiệu quả các tài nguyên sẵn c...Load BalancerLoad Balancing
Cheedge Leenotes-renovation.hashnode.dev·Feb 6, 2025A Step-by-Step Guide to Deployment Strategies based on AWS Route53 and ELBHow to realize these strategies in AWS, we can classify them into 3 categories: Using CodeDeploy By Route53/DNS or ELB based Approach Services Managed (Elastic Beanstalk, RDS Blue/Green) In last article we have list how to use CodeDeploy to ach...AWS CICDAWS
Subham Singhblogs.subhamsingh.tech·Feb 5, 2025L3 Load Balancer for gRPC serversEnsuring efficient communication and scalability between microservices is critical in modern distributed systems. gRPC, a high-performance RPC framework, is widely used for its speed and low latency. However, as the demand for gRPC servers grows, man...Distributed SystemsLoad Balancing
Affan Shaikhsurabaffanshaikhsurab.hashnode.dev·Feb 1, 2025Understanding Load Balancing Through Chocolates and KidsImagine you are hosting a party with a bunch of kids, and you have a bowl full of chocolates. You notice that every kid is rushing to grab as many chocolates as they can—some get more, while others get none. You realize this isn’t fair and decide to ...load balancing algorithms
Sahil Naiksahilnaik.hashnode.dev·Jan 31, 2025Kubernetes: The Start!I hope you found my last blog about Kubernetes basics and architecture helpful and worth your time. If you haven’t read it yet, please check it out before diving into this one, as the previous blog covers all the basics of Kubernetes: https://sahilna...10 likes·222 reads2Articles1Week
Neha Bhardwajnehabhardwaj.hashnode.dev·Jan 28, 2025Day 3: Auto Scaling Group with Integrated Load Balancer and Web Application Firewall (WAF)Create Auto Scaling Groups Step 1 To create Auto Scaling Groups, we need to select the template which will be used to configure new instances while scaling the application. Go to next step. Step 2 Choose network such as VPC and Availability Zone. He...#awsasg
Deepak Kushwahacodesops.hashnode.dev·Jan 28, 2025🌐 In AWS, What is a Load Balancer and Why Do We Use It? 🚀Load Balancer is a managed service provided by Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) that automatically distributes incoming application traffic across multiple targets (like EC2 instances, containers, IP addresses, Lambda functions, etc.) in one or more Avai...2 likesAWS
Sandeep Naidusandeepnainala.hashnode.dev·Jan 13, 2025Understanding Load Balancers, Reverse Proxies, and API Gateways: Simplified GuideAs businesses grow and embrace digital technologies, the volume of web traffic surges. With this growth come challenges like managing server performance, scaling infrastructure, and ensuring security. So, how do we keep it all under control? Enter th...Devops
Adarsh Kamathkmt-engineering-blog.hashnode.dev·Jan 10, 2025Load Balancer Internals Pt 2 - Handling HTTP RequestsWhen the load balancer receives a HTTP request, the following events occur: It applies a load balancing algorithm, like round-robin, to choose a server to which the request must be forwarded. Once a server has been chosen, the load balancer must se...41 readsLoad Balancer InternalsLoad Balancing