Taiwo Ogunolaunicdev.hashnode.dev·Sep 19, 2024End-to-end Guide to building a Reliable Authentication System for a Startup MVP - Part 5Some applications need a sign-out-all-devices feature to log you out from all devices. For us, it's tricky with JWT-based authentication, but we'll try to make it work without major changes. With session-based authentication, we create a session tabl...41 readsEnd-to-end Guide to building a Reliable Authentication System for a Startup MVPlogout
Byung Joo Jeongjoo.hashnode.dev·Jun 24, 2024Project : Login/ Logout With JWT + Cookie, JWT doesn't have logout Mechanism, if so, how?#Foreword This document explains why I decided to use a cookie with JWT(JSON Web Token) for implementing the Logout API. During the design process, we chose to use JWT instead of Sessions through the agreement with the frontend team, eliminating the ...#Logout With JWT
Ayush Kumarkrayush1109.hashnode.dev·Jun 24, 202402 config: Authentication- Login, Logout, Forgot📝0.1 ./app.js // Load environment variables from .env file require('dotenv').config({ path: './.env' }); // Import route handlers var indexRouter = require('./routes/index.routes'); var userRouter = require('./routes/user.routes'); // Create an Ex...Backend - Node, DB, Authauthentication
Shreyas Dabhadelogicshrey.hashnode.dev·Mar 11, 2024Exploring the logic behind JSON Web Tokens!As an web developer, you have probably heard about web tokens. If not then it's the time to explore these web tokens and understand the logical significance of them. What is JSON Web Token? JSON Web Token (JWT) is JSON Object which is used to securel...11 likes·163 readsauth with JWT
Pratyay Dhonddhondpratyay.hashnode.dev·Mar 10, 2024Automate Logging OutBuilding A distraction Free Zone! Introduction I had read about this in the book Make Time, a self-help productivity classic, there are multiple ways and checklist ticks you need to achieve in order to create a distraction free Zone (Like Trafalgar L...1 like·181 readsdistractions
Saseek Azmisaseek.com·Feb 9, 2024Auth0-NextJs SDK: Learn to redirect users to the same page post-logout using cookiesHello Everyone! I have been working on a Next.js project that uses Auth0 to manage user flows securely. It has multiple sections and routes where users can log in or out. Currently, when users log out, they are redirected to the homepage. However, I ...36 readsauthentication
pradeep sharmapradeepdsz.hashnode.dev·Jun 4, 2022How to Logout Telegram Web From Desktop – 5 StepsHow to Logout Telegram Web – Telegram is a cloud-based instant messaging service that can be used on various platforms such as Android, iPhone, Windows, macOS, and Linux. With Telegram, it will be easier for you to send messages, photos, videos, and ...108 readsdesktop