FlarePixelflarepixel.uk·Nov 19, 2024One-line Animation of Earphone FreeDiscover the Art of One-Line Animation: Earphones in Motion Graphics Step into the captivating world of motion graphics with our latest offering: a stunning one-line animation of earphones that transforms the minimalistic beauty of audio technology i...Animated
Chetan Dattachetan77.hashnode.dev·Aug 2, 2024LL 7 - Find the starting point in Linked List CycleProblem Given the head of a linked list, return the node where the cycle begins. If there is no cycle, returnnull. There is a cycle in a linked list if there is some node in the list that can be reached again by continuously following the next pointe...Leetcodelinked list
FMZ Quantfmzquant.hashnode.dev·May 17, 2024LeeksReaper Strategy Analysis(1)Recently, there is a hot discussion about the print money robot in FMZ Quant WeChat group. A very old strategy has entered the eyes of the Quants again: LeeksReaper.The robot trading principle of print money is borrowed from the leeksreaper strategy,...LeeksReaper
Jeet Bhalujeetbhalu.hashnode.dev·Mar 13, 2024Dart String Manipulations: Building Strings in loopWhat is Loop? A loop is used in Dart or any other programming language to repeat a sequence of commands a given number of times or until it satisfies a condition. Exapmle: void main() { int i; for (i = 2; i <= 1024; i *= 2) { ...String in loop
Vaishnavi Pawarjustalearner.hashnode.dev·Jan 18, 2024Fruitful Loops: A Tasty Journey into Programming IterationsBefore we begin, riddle me this!!! Why did the programmer go broke? Because he used up all his loops!!! Loops are indeed a very powerful tool. There are two types of loops namely entry controlled and exit controlled loops Entry controlled loops consi...10 likes2Articles1Week
Temitayo Daisi-Osothe-astral-programmer0.hashnode.dev·Nov 26, 2023Why is my program not pausing?As dedicated programmers committed to delivering optimal user experiences, our journey is marked by a relentless pursuit of excellence, occasionally accompanied by a bug or two—a common phenomenon in the intricate world of C programming. This article...12 likes·64 readspausing
Aliyah Soliahsaliualiyah.hashnode.dev·Nov 24, 2023JavaScript Basics: Understanding Conditionals, Loops, and Functions.On my learning journey in Backend web development, today's article will be on my knowledge about some of the fundamentals of JavaScript. Join me as we step into the world of coding and understand the basic concepts. What are conditionals? Like we as ...1 likeJavaScript
Dhananjayd2j1.hashnode.dev·Oct 28, 2023Understanding Loops in Java: A Simple GuideIntroduction Loops are a fundamental construct in programming languages, including Java, Loops are like your trusty "repeat" button in a music player, making your life as a coder more relaxed. They allow you to execute a block of code repeatedly, mak...2 likesLoops
Saifur Rahman Mahinsaifur-rahman-mahin.hashnode.dev·Oct 8, 2023Several ways to iterate over a JavaScript arraySeveral ways to iterate over a JavaScript array In JavaScript, there are several ways to iterate over an array, and how you categorize or process the elements depends on your specific requirements. Here are some common methods for iterating over an a...31 readsVanilla JavaScriptJavaScript
Darth Byter8bytes8.hashnode.dev·Aug 10, 2023Breaking the Loop: Embracing Change in Problem SolvingToday, I made an intriguing observation: just like computers, humans can also find themselves trapped in loops. This realization came to me as I grappled with a seemingly straightforward LeetCode problem. What began optimistically soon turned into a ...loop