Ahmad Irfancomputer-setup.hashnode.dev·Feb 6, 2025Set up Ghidra on Macbook.There are many guides and setups for Ghidra on Macbooks (and even for Windows). But now, we only want to focus on setting up this reverse-engineering software on Macbooks. First, go to Ghidra's official website (https://ghidra-sre.org/) or their GitH...ghidra
Alyssa Hollandblog.alyssaholland.me·Nov 26, 20247 More Mac Apps to Boost Development ProductivityI wrote a similarly titled article back in 2020 including a list of the main apps I use as a full-time developer. Since that was one of my most popular articles and the list of apps I currently use has changed a bit, I thought it would be helpful to ...60 readsTop Lists to Boost Development ProductivityGeneral Programming
Michael Raymond (mray)mray.hashnode.dev·Nov 3, 2024I turned my old macbook into a linux server because why not 🍎🐧Alrighty, so just like those stupid recipe sites, I’ll first write up 5 pages telling you a long unnecessary story about my first experience with Linux. I’ll then explain how what you’re referring to as “Linux”, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve rece...Linux
Faizaldevilpenakut.com·Oct 30, 2024MacBook vs Windows: Kenapa Banyak Anak Muda Sekarang Lebih Suka MacBook?Setelah beberapa minggu pakai MacBook Air, saya mulai paham alasan kenapa sekarang banyak orang, terutama anak muda, pilih MacBook buat kerjaan simpel sehari-hari. Saat ini saya pakai dua laptop. Satu Lenovo Ideapad Flex 5 dengan processor Inter i7–1...review
M S Nishaanthblog.nishaanth.com·Oct 3, 2024How Did I Not Know? 👀 #2 Macbook Keyboard ShortcutsMacbook Keyboard Shortcuts that i missed Go to HomeScreen : fn + H Show Dock : fn + A Show App Library : fn + Shift + A Quick Note. : fn + Q Control Centre : fn + C Notification Centre : fn +N Close a Window : Cmd + Shift + Wmacbook
Shaheer Sarfarazdakheera47.hashnode.dev·May 18, 2024My Experience With A MacbookHi. I'm Shaheer, a web developer studying Computer Science at UCLan. I want to write about my experience buying and owning a Macbook, after a life of exclusively using Windows devices. I started my journey, like most, with a Windows laptop. I had a n...1 like·61 readsmacbook
Filippo Mamelimameli.hashnode.dev·May 7, 2024Elixir-Powered Macbook Sensor Monitoring: A Hands-On GuideAs a computer engineer, it's challenging these days to keep up with all the updates in Artificial Intelligence. In the past few months, we've already seen LLama3, Devin (and its fall), Gemini 1.5, Claude 3, and more. With a full-time job, it's even h...1 like·55 readsElixir
Daniel Marczinmarczin.hashnode.dev·May 3, 2024How I ended up using Colima for Docker on Apple SiliconThis year I got the chance to work with an Apple Silicon-based MacBook Pro, and what neat machines they are! Compared to my Dell XPS 9500, the difference is night and day. These ARM based devices are fast and cool (both literally and figuratively), w...10 likesDocker
Amrit Adhikariamrit69.com.np·Apr 27, 2024Adding an SSH key to your GitHub account from a MacBookAdding an SSH key to your GitHub account from a MacBook involves a few steps. Here's a guide: Open Terminal on your MacBook. Generate SSH Key: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "your_email@example.com" Start the SSH agent: eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" A...ssh
Steven Burrowsthekiltedcoder.hashnode.dev·Apr 23, 2024Setting up my Mac TerminalIn this blog, I am not going to go into which terminal is best instead, I am just going to use the default built-in terminal, not that it will matter much for this setup. While this blog is focused on the Mac terminal I also use the same plugins and ...macbook