J3bitokjebitok.hashnode.dev·Dec 18, 2024The Advent of Cyber: Day 10: Phishing - He had a brain full of macros, and had shells in his soul. (TryHackMe)In this article, we’ll cover Phishing - He had a brain full of macros and had shells in his soul writeup as the Day 2 challenge of the Advent of Cyber event challenge. It was interesting to navigate the platform and filter different events and logs b...AdventOfCyber2024
Aman jaindevnook.hashnode.dev·Sep 13, 2024The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Laravel Macros for DevelopersIntroduction Laravel macros are a hidden gem in the Laravel framework that can dramatically improve your development experience. What precisely are they, and why should you care? Let’s look at Laravel macros and how they can help your development pro...Laravel SeriesLaravel
Tsuyoshi Chujochooyan.hashnode.dev·Jul 10, 2024Enhance Your Macros: Pass Type to Macro ClassesIn the previous article, I introduced a step-by-step guide to making macro classes. https://chooyan.hashnode.dev/make-your-macros-step-by-step-guide-for-flutter-macros Yet, the macro lacks some important functionality for MaterialPageRoute. That is <...10 likes·288 readsDart Macros for Flutter appsFlutter
Lawal Abdulazeezfaruqbnbazz.hashnode.dev·Jun 30, 2024Introduction to Excel Macros and VBAWhat are Macros? Macros in Excel are sequences of instructions that automate tasks. They allow you to perform repetitive tasks quickly and accurately by recording your actions and playing them back whenever needed. Key Points: Automation: Macros sav...excel
Kim Lillåsowningmymistakes.hashnode.dev·Feb 7, 2024Careful about function-like macro parameter namingI needed to create a function-like macro which set a parameter in a default settings struct, simple enough. struct Settings { unsigned enabled; }; struct Settings defaultSettings; #define SetEnabled(enabled) (defaultSettings.enabled = enabled) ...C++
Jyotiprakash Mishrablog.jyotiprakash.org·Dec 24, 2023#define should be used more oftenThe #define directive in C is used for creating macros, constants, and inline functions. Let's go through examples of each: Constants using #define: Defining a constant using #define. #include <stdio.h> // Define a constant #define ...define
Anuradha Guptatechno101.hashnode.dev·Dec 14, 2023Unveiling the Power of Macros in C ProgrammingIn the vast landscape of the C programming language, macros stand out as powerful and versatile tools that contribute to the language's flexibility and efficiency. As we delve into the intricacies of macros, it becomes evident that they not only have...C
Elucian MoiseforProgramming Languagessagecode.hashnode.dev·Sep 23, 2023ASM MacrosMacros are a very useful feature of assembly language that allows you to define shortcuts or nicknames for repetitive sequences of assembly instructions. Some key points about macros: Macros are defined using the .MACRO and .ENDM directives. Everyth...29 readsAssembly FundamentalsAssembly
Elucian MoiseforProgramming Languagessagecode.hashnode.dev·Sep 21, 2023ASM SubprogramsSubprograms or subroutines are a useful concept in assembly language programming. They allow breaking down a large program into smaller, manageable parts. Some main types of subprograms in assembly language are: Procedures: These are similar to func...asm
Vishesh Raghuvanshivisheshraghuvanshi.hashnode.dev·Sep 20, 2023C-Programming Operators and KeywordsOperator An operator is a symbol that performs some operation on one or more operands. Operators are used to assign values, compare values or perform calculations with values. Arithmetic Operators Relational Operators Logical Operators Keywords ...4 likesC ProgrammingC