Francesco·Oct 22, 2024Understanding Encapsulation in Object-Oriented ProgrammingEncapsulation is a fundamental principle in object-oriented programming (OOP) that helps manage program complexity by bundling the attributes (data) and the methods (behaviours) that operate on the data into a single unit called a class. This princip...67 readsThe World of Classes and Objectsencapsulation
NaveenKumar·Oct 20, 2024SonarQube Essentials: Why It’s Crucial in CI PipelinesHello and welcome, fellow DevOps enthusiasts! Thanks for joining this exploration. In the upcoming sections, we’ll dive into SonarQube, uncover its benefits, and discuss why it’s essential for your projects. Let’s jump in and get the code quality par...1 like·38 readsSonarQube Insights: Solving Code Quality Challenges TogetherStatic Application Security Testing (SAST
Rishi·Sep 8, 2024Why You Should Always Explicitly Mark Client Components in Next.jsIn Next.js, a common mistake developers make is assuming that a component without the use client directive is a server component. This misunderstanding often arises when developers import components that use client-side functionality (like state or e...11 likesYou Don't Know Next.jsNext.js·Jul 26, 2024Performing Maintenance Task For A Large CodebaseQuick Summary As a codebase starts growing, it gets harder and harder to keep track of the whole structure and maintain it at the same time. It gets quite challenging to maintain it when the rate of new code addition is way to high and there are few ...34 readsknip
Vivek·Jul 21, 2024Designing Data Intensive Applications - Chapter 1 - thoughts and notesI had been putting off reading DDIA for a long time, I usually gave up after reading 1-2 chapters, but now I have joined a book reading group where we are reading DDIA. So I have company now and I am determined to finish reading the book. Reading tec...1 like·52 readssoftware development·Jul 13, 2024Who Decides What's More Important: Code Readability or Efficiency?In software development, striking a balance between code readability, maintainability, and efficiency is crucial. Recently, I worked on a password validator challenge from Level 24 of RB Whitaker's The C# Player's Guide (5th Edition)that made me pond...C#
The·Jul 2, 2024Understanding the Importance of Delaying Serialization in Modern Applications1. Performance Optimization Serialization and deserialization can be computationally expensive processes. By delaying serialization, you can avoid the performance overhead until it's absolutely necessary. This can lead to more efficient use of system...serialization
Prasanna Kumar·May 8, 2024Setting Up Virtual Environments in PythonIntroduction In the world of Python development, managing dependencies and keeping your project environments organized can be a challenge, especially when you're working on multiple projects with different package requirements. This is where virtual ...32 readsPython
Tuan Tran·May 2, 2024React Best Practices Handbook - Part IILet's explore React's best practices more. React state must be immutable Have you ever wondered why React makes such a fuss about immutability? As a newbie, you might think that Javascript’s mutation are perfectly fine. After all, we add or remove pr...81 readsDeveloper Best Code PracticesTutorial
Tuan Tran·Apr 30, 2024React Best Practices Handbook - Part IIn this comprehensive guide, we delve into the art of writing "clean code" in React.js. Having embarked on my React journey five years ago and continuing to utilize it in my role as a Software Engineer, I've encountered various challenges along the w...165 readsDeveloper Best Code PracticesTutorial