Akash Singhakashsingh.blog·Aug 21, 2024A complete guide on being a great manager, written by an engineerI’m not a manager I’m a software engineer in the Bay Area and I’ve been working in the tech industry for a significant part of my adult life. For all these years, I’ve always had a manager- whether it was working in a small startup or a large company...447 readsCulture
Shreyash Bijlwanshreyash-bijlwan.hashnode.dev·Aug 13, 2024I Bet you don't know NVMNo Humans ,Machine, TL and Managers are harmed in this blog. So Many of you heard of NVM in your Company or Job or by any good youtuber out there. but how many of you really know what is NVM !. Let go to the basic and classical definition of the NVM...2 likes·186 readscode
Derek Armstrongderekarmstrong.dev·Jul 31, 2024Servant Leadership: Aces In Their PlacesI learned Servant Leadership back in the late 2000s when I was working in the restaurant industry as a fresh young manager. I didn't know that it would be so powerful and effective that I am still teaching it to every team I have the pleasure and pri...41 reads🧭 Career Compassservant-leadership
Esli Silvaesli.blog.br·Jul 21, 2024Hora do café #2 - Enquanto a caravana passa, os cães latemDomingo… quase 21h e estou feliz e me organizando para a semana… nesta hora iria de cappuccino, mas estou com capsula de descafeinado mesmo. Um dia a idade chega. ;-) A interrupção de TI da CrowdStrike é um bom lembrete de que, se você não tiver um p...Techmanagement
Remotebaseremotebase.hashnode.dev·Apr 21, 2024Top 10 Technical Interview Questions Hiring Managers AskAre you clueless about the technical interview questions you need to ask to hire the right developer? It's okay because we are going to simplify it for you by sharing the ten most important questions that will help you evaluate the candidate effectiv...2 likeshiring manager
Saurabh Mahajanwww.saurabhmahajan.blog·Apr 11, 2024Understanding Managerial LeadershipAccording to me a "Managerial Leadership" is a situation in which a person fulfils expectations of an organization AND also of his/her team members. Being a manager is a great responsibility, but understanding the role is more critical. Yes, it’s a p..."Management is doing things right; Leadership is doing right things" - P.Druckerproject management
Mahira Technology Private Limitedmahiratechnology.hashnode.dev·Oct 20, 2023Enabling Session Manager on an EC2 instance.Introduction :- Enabling Session Manager on an #EC2 instance involves creating an #IAM instance profile with the required #permissions and then associating that profile with the EC2 instance. Follow the steps below to set up Session Manager on your E...Session
Madanmadcodes.hashnode.dev·Oct 15, 2023What is Project Management Process: Phases and Life CycleIntroduction The methodical and controlled approach to managing projects from conception to completion is the project management process. They are a collection of related tasks offering a well-defined framework for project managers and teams to plan,...project management
Charmmisscharm.hashnode.dev·May 23, 2023My Challenges As A New IT Manager And Ways I Coped Up From ItI am a new IT Manager. My previous position is a full-stack developer. To others, this is a nice promotion, indeed it is. But, I must admit, the change is not easy, it is accompanied by birth pains -- birthing of a new manager. In this article, I wan...manager
Roberta Akotopmcollection.hashnode.dev·May 8, 2023How and Why I Chose Product ManagementHow I Started in Tech My PM journey started in 2018 shortly after I started coding. I started as a Graphic Designer, then switched to frontend development and then moved to backend development and finally full-stack development. However, I was lookin...55 readsProduct Management