Tarun Sharmatapstechie.hashnode.dev·Aug 2, 2024Python Lambda Functions: Beginner-Friendly OverviewExplanation: A lambda function in Python is a small anonymous function defined using the lambda keyword. It can take any number of arguments but can only have one expression. The expression is evaluated and returned. Syntax: lambda arguments: express...Discuss·10 likes·27 readsPython Interview Prep: Essential Concepts and TechniquesPython
Abhishek Dandriyalabhishek-dandriyal.hashnode.dev·Apr 9, 2024Map, filter and reducewhat is map() ? A higher-order function in programming is used to transform each element in an array according to a given function. const nums = [1,2,3,4]; const multiplyThree = nums.map((num,i,arr)=> { return num * 3; }) console.log(multiplyThr...Discuss·1 likemap-filter-reduce