Ivanbyteup.hashnode.dev·Sep 11, 2024Part II: Foundations of Logical Thinking in Programming, Logical ConnectorsLogical Connectors Introduction If you haven't read the previous article If you haven't read the previous article, please read it first to understand the basic concepts quite well. With this second part, I can provide real-life examples of handling u...DiscussMath
Ivanbyteup.hashnode.dev·Aug 27, 2024Foundations of Logical Thinking in ProgrammingThis was an article post on "Dev.to" One of the main concepts in programming is learning conditional logic or control flow logic. Many programming tutorials often cover only the basics of this concept, focusing on the surface level. In the following ...Discussfoundations programming
Tasnim Zotdertasnimzotder.com·Aug 26, 2024A Dummy Titlefunc abc() { } A $\to$ B $$\alpha$$ C $\alpha$ ```mermaid ``` $$\sum$$type Computer struct { RAM int Brand string Year int } %%[] tableAB $$\alpha = \int_0^x{\frac{x^2}{3x+5\log{x}}}$$https://gist.github.com/tasnimzotder/0a...Discusstag1
Ferran Buireuferranbuireu.hashnode.dev·Aug 14, 2024Floating Math Point: The Phantom Menace of Precision$$0.1 + 0.2 = 0.30000000000000004$$Hear me out. Try doing 0.1 + 0.2 in your browser console and prepare for the unexpected. Why is the result 0.30000000000000004? Have I been deceived my entire life? Should I even trust my math teachers anymore? This...DiscussMathematics
ANSHbitmanipulation.hashnode.dev·Aug 4, 2024Manipulating BitsFind the Bit at ith Position To find the Bit at the ith Position we use AND Operator among the number and mask created by us.Mask consists of 1 at the ith position and all other vacant spots are filled with zero . To achieve this mask we use left shi...Discussbit-manipulation
Gabriele Biondoblog.reveng3.org·Jul 2, 2024Understanding Green Functions: A Step-by-Step TutorialAbstract If you are like me, and use advanced math every day or so, you may find yourself struggling with the Green Function. In my case, it's because Green Function is largely introduced with Physics related concepts, and I don't really like physics...Discuss·37 readsMathematics
freeCodeCampforfreeCodeCampfreecodecamp.org·Jun 4, 2024Practical Guide to Linear Algebra in Data Science and AIBy Tatev Aslanyan "In God we trust; all others bring data." – W. Edwards Deming This famous quote from Edwards Deming perfectly captures the essence of modern Data Science and AI. Data is the lifeblood of Data Science and AI fields – Machine Learn...DiscussAdvanced Mathematics
Caleb DoiseforThe Order of Pemdasorderofpemdas.com·May 24, 2024Add Every Whole Number from 1 to 100...The Challenge Your teacher just told you to add every whole number from 1 to 100 together. Do you just start crunching the numbers? 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+ ... +97+98+99+100 = ? That's going to take so long! A Simple Case: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 Maybe there's a pa...Discuss·75 readsMath
Quantum Cyber Solutionsqcs.hashnode.dev·May 16, 2024🌌 God Explained With Math 🌌Published on Thursday, May 16, 2024 🌌 God Explained With Math 🌌 ================================= Authors Name Eric deQuevedo 😄 Twitter 🌌 God as the Origin: Expressions and the Universe The Origin of All In esoteric philosophy, God is often s...Discussalchemy
Mustafif KhanforMufiZ-Lang Newsmufiz-news.mustafif.com·May 12, 2024Zigma Docs are Out!While we are still working on implementing a fair amount of techniques for our initial release of Zigma, where we hope it will be used either in MufiZ v0.7.0 or v0.8.0 I am happy to say that we have officially deployed our Zigma documentation using Z...DiscussMath