Tapan Rachchhtapanrachchh.hashnode.dev·Sep 1, 20242022. Convert 1D Array Into 2D Arrayclass Solution: def construct2DArray(self, original: List[int], m: int, n: int) -> List[List[int]]: idealSize = len(original) if m * n != idealSize: return [] arr = [[0 for _ in range(n)] for _ in range(m)] ...DiscussPython
Sushil Kumar Mishrasushilsblog.hashnode.dev·Aug 4, 2024Mastering Matrix Multiplication in C with Dynamic Memory AllocationMatrix multiplication is like a mathematical dance where two matrices join forces to create a brand-new matrix. But how do we manage this in C, especially when we don’t know the matrix sizes ahead of time? That’s where dynamic memory allocation comes...Discuss·1 likeProgramming Blogs
Chetan Dattachetan77.hashnode.dev·Jul 21, 2024240. Search a 2D Matrix IIProblem Write an efficient algorithm that searches for a value target in an m x n integer matrix matrix. This matrix has the following properties: Integers in each row are sorted in ascending from left to right. Integers in each column are sorted i...DiscussLeetcodesearch-a-2d-matrix-ii
Mayank Guptamkguptaweb.hashnode.dev·Jul 20, 2024Find Valid Matrix Given Row and Column SumsIn this article i am going to explain the approach and solution for this leetcode problem In the given problem we are given with two arrays one is rowSum and other is colSumbasically what they are nothing but arrays of the sum of ith row and jth colu...Discussleetcode
Nivesh Sniveshs.hashnode.dev·Jul 16, 2024random! reflections^ - A Short StoryA short story, or to be precise, a series of thoughts in the boring life of a random teenager. Neo. "Nothing is certain. Nothing. As the vehicle moved past me in the opposite lane, I looked through the smudgy window, seeing a lost soul in my own refl...DiscussStory
sujithamypersonalblog.hashnode.dev·Jul 11, 2024Largest Local Values ProblemGiven a 2D matrix of integers, your task is to find the largest local value for each element, excluding the border elements. The local value for an element at position (i, j) is defined as the maximum value within its 3x3 submatrix centered on (i, j)...Discussbrute force
Gulshan Kumarperfinsights.hashnode.dev·Jul 7, 2024Matrix Diagonal SumGiven a square matrix mat, return the sum of the matrix diagonals. Only include the sum of all the elements on the primary diagonal and all the elements on the secondary diagonal that are not part of the primary diagonal. LeetCode Problem - 1572 clas...DiscussJava SolutionJava
Tahzib Mahmud Rifatrifat05.hashnode.dev·Jun 30, 2024Cells with Odd Values in a Matrix(LeetCode-easy)INTRODUCTION We, have given two array one is main array matrix and other is indices[is a 2D array]. Each indices value consist two things one is row value and another is column value, indices[i] = [ri, ci]. And our task is to simply increment by 1 t...DiscussLeetCodeincrement
Vineeth Chivukulavineethchivukula.hashnode.dev·Jun 25, 2024Understanding Matrix TraversalMatrix traversal, also known as Island problems, often encountered in matrix or grid-based scenarios, typically involves identifying and counting connected components of a specific value (usually represented as '1' for land) in a binary matrix. These...DiscussMatrix
Utkarsh Hadgekar forDigital Wealth Pathwaysdigitalwealthpathways.hashnode.dev·Jun 19, 2024Symphony of Success : What does Success sounds like to you ?People often strive to get success or want the success. But the definition of success is not same for everybody. You'll probably look at a rich guy, and will say.... "oh He, is Successful" or someone who has millions of followers on Youtube or instag...Discuss·1 likesuccess