Vineeth·Jul 11, 2024Solving Find Median from Data StreamTo see the question, click here. Naive Approach The idea is to store the elements in a list. At each stage of adding an element, we will sort the list because the elements may not be added to the list in a sorted fashion. // TC: O(nlogn) for addNum a...median
Namya·Dec 26, 2023Python Statistics ModuleFunctions for Statistical Calculations: statistics.mean(): Calculates the arithmetic mean of a sequence of numbers. statistics.median(): Calculates the median of a sequence of numbers. statistics.mode(): Calculates the mode of a sequence of number...harmonic mean
Timothy·Jan 19, 2023How to find Median in SQL DatabaseSince median is harder than min/max/count and not a standard aggregate function, we’ll need to do a little more work to calculate it. Here’s how on several different databases: Median on Redshift The Redshift team recently released a median window fu...10 likes·308 readsSQL
Dhananjay·Aug 25, 2022Median of Two Sorted ArraysGiven two sorted arrays nums1 and nums2 of size m and n respectively, return the median of the two sorted arrays. The overall run time complexity should be O(log (m+n)). Example 1: Input: nums1 = [1,3], nums2 = [2] Output: 2.00000 Explanation: merged...median
Saksham·Jun 29, 2022What is Deep Learning ?Here , I'll be discussing what is deep learning and what is the statistics or maths involved in it . So , we all know about Elon Musk and what is he doing to the world by his innovations ! It's the face recognition , self driving car and what's he d...32 likes·94 readsDeep Learning