Arka Infotecharkainfotech.hashnode.dev路Jan 10, 2025Dynamic Programming: Solving Problems with Optimal SubstructureIntroduction Dynamic programming (DP) is a powerful algorithmic technique used to solve complex problems by breaking them down into simpler subproblems. It is particularly useful when a problem exhibits optimal substructure, meaning the solution to t...10 likescoding
Michael Strombergmjstromberg.hashnode.dev路Dec 25, 2024How to Create a Memoization Function in JavaScriptAn old file cabinet with organized cards in a drawer What is Memoization? In software programming, memoization is a technique used to make applications run faster. If you have a function with high time complexity that blocks execution for too long, o...FundamentalsJavaScript
Sreerag Pavithranblog.iamsreerag.com路Dec 20, 2024Efficiently Optimizing Component Renders with React.memoIn React, performance optimization is crucial, especially when building applications with complex UI components. One of the lesser-known yet highly effective tricks is using React.memo to prevent unnecessary re-renders of your functional components. ...React
Rohit Gawanderohit253.hashnode.dev路Nov 9, 2024Chapter 46: Dynamic Programming (Part 6) - DSA SeriesWelcome to Chapter 46 of my Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) Series! In this chapter, we dive into essential dynamic programming concepts focused on matrix operations and complex problem-solving techniques. Dynamic programming is all about breaki...tabulation
Yusuf Uysalyusufuysal.hashnode.dev路Sep 28, 2024React Interview Questions (Part 2): Component Lifecycle & HooksWhat are the differences between componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount in class components? componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount are lifecycle methods in React class components that are invoked at ...React Interview QuestionsReact
Vardan Hakobyanvardan.hashnode.dev路Sep 18, 2024When do (and don鈥檛) children re-render in React?Photo by Ferenc Almasi on Unsplash When writing React components, we always strive to keep optimization in mind. It鈥檚 always useful to know when unnecessary re-rendering occurs in our code, especially if we have heavy components in our app. So let鈥檚 ...React
Vivekheyvivek.com路Aug 26, 2024馃攳 Unlocking Hidden Power: Essential Yet Overlooked JavaScript Concepts Every Beginner Should Know 馃挕JavaScript is a versatile and powerful language that continues to evolve, with new features and concepts being introduced regularly. While many developers are familiar with the basics and popular features of JavaScript, there are several lesser-known...22 likes路249 readsJavaScript
Tarun Sharmatapstechie.hashnode.dev路Aug 7, 2024Simplifying Python Decorators: What You Need to Know1. What is a Decorator? Definition:A decorator is a function that takes another function as input and extends or alters its behavior without modifying its actual code. It鈥檚 a powerful tool for enhancing code reuse and separating concerns. Use Case:De...Python Interview Prep: Essential Concepts and TechniquesPython
Aneesa Fatimacodewithaneesa.hashnode.dev路Jul 17, 2024鈿★笍 Boosting React Performance with Memo and useCallbackHey everyone! 馃憢 In this blog, I鈥檓 excited to share my tips on optimizing performance in React. We've all experienced the frustration of unnecessary component re-renders, especially when a small change causes a cascade of unexpected errors. While Rea...10 likesReact
Vashishth Gajjarvashtech.hashnode.dev路Jul 14, 2024Chapter 12: Advanced ConceptsWelcome to the final chapter of our "Mastering JavaScript" series! In this chapter, we'll explore some advanced JavaScript concepts that will elevate your coding skills and deepen your understanding of this powerful language. 12.1 Closures A closure ...Mastering JavaScriptMemoization