Vineeth·Jul 3, 2024Solving Merge IntervalsTo see the question, click here. Naive Approach The idea is to use the concept of Merge Intervals and sort the intervals based on the start time. If the current interval overlaps the previous one, update the end time. If there is no overlap, add the
Chetan·Jan 21, 202456. Merge IntervalsProblem Given an array of intervals where intervals[i] = [starti, endi], merge all overlapping intervals, and return an array of the non-overlapping intervals that cover all the intervals in the input. (link) Example 1: Input: intervals = [[1,3],[2,6...Leetcodemerge-intervals
Mumtaz·Aug 15, 2023Understanding Merge IntervalsIn this blogpost, I take a stab at learning questions related to merge intervals. Let's jump right in! Why are merge intervals important? Having an understanding of how to merge intervals can be pretty practical in real life too! Some use cases are -...merge-intervals
Emmanuel·May 28, 2023Sorting Algorithms III: Merge Sorting Algorithm — Season 1 (Episode 4)I believe by now you would have had ample knowledge about these whole sorting tandems, how and when to use them, their respective trade-offs, and as well as pros and cons. In this article, we would discuss merge sorting, its strategies, and their uni...10 likessorting