Akshaya Biswalakshaya-biswal.hashnode.dev·Aug 17, 2024Heap DSA heap is a specialized binary tree-based data structure that satisfies the heap property. Max-Heap: In a max-heap, for any given node I, the value of I is greater than or equal to the values of its children. The largest value is at the root. Min-H...Data Structures and Algorithms in JavaScriptDSA
Subhradeep Sahasubhradeepsaha.hashnode.dev·May 19, 2024Solving a Leetcode problem daily — Day 12 | 347. Top K frequent elementshttps://blog.devgenius.io/solving-a-leetcode-problem-daily-day-12-347-top-k-frequent-elements-63afa6f681f3 Here is the Leetcode problem link —347. Top K frequent elements Problem Statement Given an integer array nums and an integer k, return thek...Solving a Leetcode problem daily347
Arpan Abhishekblog.arpancodes.io·May 10, 2023Min Heap ConstructionMin heap is a binary tree-like structure, which satisfies the following conditions: Each node value is lesser than the children's. It should be a complete tree, if not then the extra children should be added on the left leaf nodes. Min heap is i...DSA NotesDSA