Amitabh·Oct 27, 2024Deploying Multitier Application with DockerThis guide provides a comprehensive overview of setting up a Dockerized Banking Application using both Docker and Docker Compose. It covers the essential steps for deploying the application, setting up MySQL with persistent storage, and organizing se...110 readsDevops
Tanishka·Sep 23, 2024The Multi-Tier Architectural Pattern. Making complex things *simple*I’ve been in the cloud for quite a few years now; and among the most widely adopted and trusted approaches is the multi-tier design pattern. The reason for this? It elegantly divides an application into its core components, making it easier to manage...2 likesMulti-Tier Architecture
Nikunj·Aug 12, 2024Complete Jenkins CI/CD Project #Day-24Wanderlust Three Tier Application Containerization Deploying a MERN Stack Project Using Dockerfile and Docker-Compose with Jenkins Job Pipeline Trigger from Master on Agents node. Pipeline Script pipeline { agent{ node{ ...2 likes·46 readsDevOpsTrainWithShubham·Aug 11, 2024Wanderlust: A Travel Blog AppDockerfile Docker is a tool that makes it easy to run applications in containers. Containers are like small packages that hold everything an application needs to run. To create these containers, developers use something called a Dockerfile. A Dockerf...5 likes·97 readsDevops
Rahul·Jul 25, 2024Multi-Tier Web Application Stack Setup LocallyProject Source: GitHub Repo: vprofile-project Prerequisite To complete this project you should have your lab set up with the appropriate tools. Git Bash or any Code editor of choice Oracle VirtualBox...1 like·32 readsMulti Tier Web Application