·Feb 5, 2025네이밍 컨벤션? 그게 뭔데?프로그래밍 할 때 각각 파일이나 함수 등에 이름을 지어주게 되는데 일관성과 유지보수성을 높이기 위해 이름 짓는 것에 대한 규칙을 정해 주는 것을 네이밍 컨벤션이라고 한다. 📌 네이밍 케이스 유형 대표적인 네이밍 케이스에 대해서 알려 주겠습니다. 카멜 케이스 (camelCase) 첫 번째 단어를 소문자로 하고 그 다음 단어부터 대문자로 표기 파스칼 케이스 (CamelCase) 모든 단어의 첫 글자를 대문자로 표기 스네이크 케이스 (snake_c...1 likeNaming Conventions·Nov 13, 2024Home Assistant: Best Practices for Naming ConventionsWhen managing a smart home setup, having a clear and consistent naming convention for devices and device entities can be the difference between smooth, frustration-free automation and chaotic confusion. Home Assistant, a popular open-source platform ...62 readsHome AssistantHome Assistant
Veenit·Aug 24, 2024Basics of Naming Conventions for PHP DevelopmentIn web development, keeping a definite naming convention is a tough job. Every developer follows the practices he feels are convenient, and you may even identify the code written by a particular developer. In the field of web development, we call it ...Basics of Naming Conventions for PHP Developers
Sergey·Jun 1, 2024Cheat Sheet: JavaScript (TypeScript) variable naming conventionRecommendations on how to unify naming convention within a code – formats, acronyms and abbreviations, value-based prefixes, event handlers, etc. Mainly for vanilla TypeScript with a bit of React. Variable name formats It is good to restrict name for...1 like·97 readsJavaScript
Samokhvalova·May 12, 2024Naming Docker Containers: Best Practices and GuidelinesIntroduction Assigning a custom name to a Docker container can significantly simplify container management, especially in environments with multiple containers. This article explores how to name Docker containers using the docker run command, along w...46 readsDocker
Zayyad Muhammad·Dec 24, 2023A quick guide to Feature Flag Naming ConventionsCan naming feature flags be hard? Yes. Just like variables in programming, naming feature flags can get tricky if you don't follow a naming standard. When feature flags don't have good names, it can be difficult for people using them to remember what...short-lived-flags
Deon·Dec 4, 2023Database Naming ConventionsNaming conventions are critical in programming and database design as it prevent early death, either by a co-worker or self-inflicted. Giving the necessary attention to naming things appropriately will save you major headaches when it comes to unders...Database Design FundamentalsNaming Conventions
Onyinyechi Viola·Aug 10, 2023The Secret Of Successful Programming: Naming Conventions You Should KnowIntroduction Programmers have come up with concepts like camelCase, snake_case, PascalCase etc. to help make names in the world of tech relatively easy, readable and understandable. These concepts are called naming conventions and all programming lan...21 likes·68 reads#namingconvention
Farhan Hasin·Aug 22, 2022Programming Naming Conventions – Camel, Snake, Kebab, and Pascal Case ExplainedIf you've been programming for a while, you may have heard the words "camel case" or "pascal case". And maybe you're wondering what those terms mean. Well, let me explain. What are Naming Conventions in Programming? Apart from the hard and fast rules...Naming Conventions
Mustafa·Apr 5, 2022Heybooster Front End Naming ConventionsIn this article, you will find the naming conventions we used in our Heybooster front-end project. Variable Naming The camelCase naming convention is used to define a variable. Examples const dataSourceName = ''; const stepsConnectStatus = { 1: f...Front End Devclean code