Anurag·Nov 5, 2024Advanced PDF NetSuite TutorialYou can write the If else statement this way: .locale is used for the translation to different local languages based on user localization preferences. <#if .locale =='zn'> font-family: sans-serif; <#elseif .locale =="ko"> font-family:verdana <#...Discusssuitescript
Jared·Aug 31, 2024How to Setup a NetSuite Bank Feed with YodleeI do not recommend using NetSuite's default connector Yodlee as it breaks often. You can view additional options here. Navigate to 'Setup > Accounting > Financial Institution > List' to see a list of existing financial institutions. Check 'Show Ina...DiscussNetSuite Bank Feedsnetsuite
Raj·Jun 19, 2024NetSuite ImplementationIntroduction: In today's fast-paced business landscape, companies are constantly seeking ways to enhance efficiency, streamline operations, and gain a competitive edge. Enter NetSuite, a cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that offe...Discussnetsuite
Anurag·Jun 12, 2024How to resolve record has been changed in Netsuite.This is the most common error and also one of the most frustrating error when it comes to NetSuite. There are many things we need to check in order to resolve the record-change issue. I am listing some of those things that you need to check. Check i...Discuss·179 readsnetsuite
Jared·May 28, 2024Celigo Study Guide | Level 1: Platform FundamentalsThis study guide is compiled directly from Celigo's level 1 training course and contains all the necessary information for passing the first exam. Definitions: Flow: moving data from one point to another. A flow has at least two endpo...Discuss·101 readsCeligo
Anurag·May 21, 2024How to set the default field Value but allow user to edit using workflowRequirement: Set the default field value using a workflow, but allow the user to override the value on the UI. This is a very common requirement from a client to set some default values to a field in NetSuite but client also wants it to be editable. ...Discuss·58 readsnetsuite
Anurag·May 7, 2024NetSuite SFTP Module: Download and Upload Files to SFTP server in SuiteScript 2.1In this post, we will upload a sample text file to SFTP server, then download the same file from the server and log it into execution logs. For SFTP connection, first we need password GUID which can be created suing a suitelet form and credentials fi...Discuss·65 readsSFTP
Anurag·Apr 12, 2024How to use SDF (SuiteCloud Development Framework) with VS CodeDownload the VS Code and install it. Install SuiteCloud Extension for Visual Studio Code Go to Setup -> Company -> Enable Features and enable the following: Token-Based Authentication SuiteCloud Development framework This tutorial assumes that y...Discuss·64 readsnetsuite
Josh·Apr 12, 2024SuiteScript + TypeScript + Decorators = ❤️I've been using TypeScript to write my SuiteScripts for the last 6 years and haven't looked back. The type system provided by TypeScript reduces risk, makes refactoring easier, and prevents silly mistakes we've all made when dealing with dynamically-...Discuss·77 readsnetsuite
Anurag·Mar 18, 2024Create a file uploader in NetSuite SuiteScript 2.1We will create a simple file uploader Suitelet in NetSuite SuiteScript 2.1 /** * @NApiVersion 2.1 * @NScriptType Suitelet */ define([ "N/compress", "N/file", "N/format", "N/https", "N/query", "N/render", "N/ui/serverWidget", ], /** ...Discuss·42 readssuitescript