·Aug 28, 2024Building FullStack Clone Application with Nextjs and NextAuth Prisma Building a Full-Stack Clone Application with Next.js, NextAuth.js, and Prisma Introduction In this blog post, we'll explore how to build a full-stack clone ...DiscussNext.js
Evaldas·Aug 24, 2024Login session in Next.auth with JWTHi. This is the sixteenth part of the diary about developing the “Programmers’ diary” blog. The open source code of this project is on The fifteenth part:
Roshan·Aug 22, 2024WSO2 IS Integration In Next js Using next-auth.js (Part 1)In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, authentication remains a critical component for building secure and user-friendly applications. WSO2 Identity Server (IS) is a powerful, open-source identity management solution that provides robust ...Discuss·3 likes·85 readsNext.js
Vashishth·Aug 21, 2024Chapter 6: Authentication6.1 What Is Authentication? Authentication is simply the process of verifying who a user is. When you log in to your email or social media accounts, you’re authenticating yourself using credentials like a username and password. If you’ve logged in su...DiscussMastering Next.jsNext.js
Lemuel Leogene·Aug 18, 2024How to Set Up Email Sign-In Using NextAuth and MailjetNextAuth (or Auth.js) provides email as an authentication method. You can use email to send magic links to the user's email address for them to sign in. This article is a step-by-step guide to setup email authentication in NextJs using NextAuth. Pre-...Discussemail
Md Faizan·Aug 18, 2024How To Add NextAuth Credentials Provider Into Your NextJS AppHey folks, so today’s article is about an integration I needed for my personal application. Last week I needed to integrate nextauth with my Next.js Application where I was using App router and TypeScript. However, I could not find a single article t...DiscussNext.js
Lemuel Leogene·Aug 11, 2024Signing In With Google Using NextAuthNextAuth (or soon to be Auth.Js) is a free-to-use open source framework for authentication. Though NextAuth has a good site for documentation, there are times when some steps are missed out and it took me some time to figure it out. I write this arti...DiscussNext.js
Arun·Aug 2, 2024Introduction to Next.js 14 Middleware for Beginners, How it Works & Real Use CasesMiddleware is a powerful feature in Next.js that allows us to run code before a request is completed. It is a Function which runs on the server. We can take this Advantage to Modify the response we can redirect the request add response header rewr...Discuss·10 likes·42 readsNext.js·Jul 30, 2024Why You Should Avoid Storing Authentication Tokens in Local Storage 🚫🔑In the realm of web development, securely managing authentication tokens is crucial for protecting user data and maintaining application integrity. A common approach for storing these tokens is using localStorage due to its simplicity and ease of use...Discuss·11 likes·119 readsauthentication·Jul 18, 2024Developer-Friendly Authentication in Next.js: A Comprehensive GuideBuilding a Developer-Friendly Authentication System in Next.js with NextAuth.js As a developer, building an authentication system can be daunting. With Next.js, however, the process becomes significantly easier, especially with its seamless integrati...DiscussNext.js