Aishat·Jan 31, 2025How I Set Up and Configured NGINX on UbuntuI recently got accepted into the HNG12 internship programme and because of my interest on cloud infrastructure management, I joined the DevOps track. As part of my DevOps internship, I was tasked with setting up and configuring NGINX on a fresh Ubunt...Nginx configuration guide
Pravesh·Jan 28, 2025Scaling Flask with Docker: Deploying a Portfolio Project with NGINX Load Balancing💡 Introduction Welcome to the World of Exploration! Today, we’re diving into an exciting experiment with NGINX as a load balancer to see how we can distribute traffic across multiple instances of an application. For those of you who are new here, I ...12 likes·29 readsFlask Framework
Kiran·Nov 29, 2024Full NGINX Tutorial: Demo Project with Node.js & DockerOverview What is NGINX? Learn the fundamentals of NGINX and its functionalities. NGINX Use Cases Discover how NGINX acts as a web server, load balancer, caching server, and more. How to Configure NGINX? Explore configuration examples for vari...78 readsNginx configuration guide
FIKARA·Sep 18, 2024Mise en place serveur NGINXDans cet article, nous montrerons comment installer NGINX, un serveur web open-source dont les principales fonctionnalités sont de fonctionner comme un reverse-proxy et un répartiteur de charge. NGINX peut être installé sur plusieurs distributions Li...42 readsnginx
Rudraksh·Aug 23, 2024Comprehensive Guide to Nginx Web Server: From Beginner to AdvancedWhat is Nginx? Nginx (pronounced as "Engine-X") is an open-source, high-performance HTTP server and reverse proxy, as well as an IMAP/POP3 proxy server. It was created by Igor Sysoev in 2004 with the goal of addressing the C10K problem, which refers ...nginx
Aniket·Aug 7, 2024Understanding Nginx: The Web Server and BeyondWritten by Aniket Purohit By the end of this blog, you'll understand what Nginx is, why it was created, and how it is used in the real world. We’ll cover features like load balancing, caching, security, and how Nginx works with Kubernetes. What is ...10 likesNginx Tutorial
shubham·Jun 11, 2024Deploying Node.js and React on Ubuntu: A Complete Tutorial1. To log in to your Linux (Ubuntu) server via SSH To log into your server, open a terminal on your local machine. ssh root@server_ip_address Accept the warning about host authenticity, if it appears, and provide your root password. Install Node/NP...21 likes·145 readsReact
Dhanush·Apr 29, 2024Nginx FundmentalsNginx is a versatile web server that offers various capabilities beyond being a reverse proxy, such as load balancing, SSL/TLS termination, and caching. It can serve as an API gateway, providing advanced routing, filtering, and security features. Ngi...Nginx configuration guide
Tobbe·Apr 27, 2024Hosting a Verdaccio NPM Registry on Hetzner Cloud Part 4: VerdaccioWith nginx configured (see Part 3) we're now ready for what we all came here to do – to install and set up Verdaccio! NodeJS and fnm Verdaccio is built using NodeJS, so we need to install node. I know I'll want to run other node based apps as well, a...252 readsverdaccio
Tobbe·Apr 26, 2024Hosting a Verdaccio NPM Registry on Hetzner Cloud Part 3: nginxTo follow along here you're going to need a (sub-)domain you want to use to access your Verdaccio NPM Registry. I already have a domain, so I used a subdomain for this,, and pointed it to my new server IP. Login and upda...61 readsHetzner