Babafemi·Mar 31, 2023Choosing the Best State Management Library for Your Angular Application: A Comparison of NGRX and NGXSWhen it comes to state management in Angular applications, two popular options are NgRx and NGXS. Both of these options have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between them depends on the specific needs of your application. NgRx is a ...1 like·1.6K readsNgRx
Srikanth·Sep 6, 2022How to setup NgXs library inside the angular app (Learn It in 22 Steps)This project describes how to set up the NgXs library inside the angular project. Please follow the below steps. Step 0. Before starting the setup, I want to tell you something, we can call the API directly from the angular app and display it inside ...56 readsNGXS·Aug 31, 2022Angular State Management with NGXSWhat is state? In Angular, you are not able to build complex applications without managing state. State is all the data and application logic that makes the UI work as it should. This can be data to visually show in the UI, state to keep track if cer...11 likes·115 readsAngular