IMORI·Jan 12, 2025Tariffs on Video GamesLadies and gentlemen, once again, we gather to verify whether video games are the cause of our problems. Or, "To alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems!" No, that was Homer Simpson. Paradoxically, though, we’re still talking a...GamingIndustry·Aug 19, 2023Enhancing Retro Games - REX protocolContinued from Enhancing Retro Games - REX... There needs to be a way for client applications to interact with the emulator and the enhanced features that REX offers. We need to lay down some design goals and constraints first on how our protocol sho...31 readsnintendo·Aug 1, 2023Enhancing Retro Games - REXHi, I'm jsd1982. I've been playing around in the retro-gaming enhancement scene for the last 5 years or so. I'm primarily invested in making technologies to enable applications to enhance SNES games with unique experiences. REX REX, short for "Retro ...10 likes·82 readsnintendo
Nathan·Mar 31, 2023Nintendo execs must not have any kids.It's a common situation for many parents: your child is an enthusiastic gamer, and they can't get enough of the latest and greatest games on their Nintendo device. But when it comes to setting controls, Nintendo lags behind. Unlike Microsoft's Xbox F...28 readsBrit-Rantsnintendo
Zakaria·Sep 9, 2022Hoe Installeer je Super Mario Bros op een Raspberry PI?In deze artikel zal ik uitleggen hoe jij Super Mario Bros kan installeren op je Raspberry PI en als het ware je eigen "Console" kan maken. Wat heb je hiervoor nodig ? 1 Nes Controller (Toetsenbord kan ook) 1 Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 4GB (2GB Lukt ook)...Raspberry Pi
Rocky·Aug 21, 2022Streaming Nintendo Switch from MacOSDue to the limitations of the Nintendo Switch, you're not able to record or stream the game from it easily as PS4 or XBox. Here I will show you how to get these done: Capture the video from your Nintendo Switch Capture the audio from your Nintendo ...1 like·53 readsnintendo·Feb 14, 2018An eShop price comparison appTL;DR:, I made this! Intro Recently I bought a Nintendo Switch. That's by far the best game console I had in a long time, but you can read all about it online, I'm not here to talk about that! Here's the fact: with Nintendo Switch it'...React·Nov 27, 2017MacGyvering the Mario Odyssey Jump-Rope ChallengeBy Antin Harasymiv Super Mario Odyssey is quite possibly my favorite Mario game. So much so that I went out of my way to complete every last challenge. But one of them gave me more trouble than all the others combined: Jump-Rope Genius in the Metro K...arduino