Stanislav·Jan 14, 2025Определяем принадлежность к специфической культуре на основе видеоинтервьюСразу оговорюсь: я провел небольшое эмпирическое исследование, это не научная методика. Скорее, это такой эксперимент, попытка нащупать интересные закономерности. Так что, воспринимайте это как пищу для размышлений, а не как истину в последней инстан...134 readsобщество
Ibraheem·Dec 10, 2024Text Preprocessing TechniquesImagine trying to understand a conversation in a noisy room. The background noise, accents, and rapid speech can make it difficult to comprehend the meaning. Similarly, raw text data is often noisy and unstructured, making it challenging for machines...5 likesNLP Unpackednlp
Avdhesh·Nov 22, 2024Text Preprocessing in NLPIntroduction After getting the data, we’ll be doing text pre-processing on the dataset. Text pre-processing is of 2 types, Basic Text pre-processing Advance Text pre-processing POS (Parts of Speech) Tag Chunking Parsing Coreference relation ...text pre-processing
Avdhesh·Nov 18, 2024The NLP Landscape - 1960's to 2024'sHello friends, This is my first blog on learning of NLP Language, or we can say NLP Method. I’m started my learning on 18th Nov. 2024 from YouTube tutorials, blogs, and google search. I’m not a pro in writing the blogs but still I’m starting to write...nlp
Anix·Nov 13, 2024NLTK vs. Hugging Face #6: Sentiment Analysis, Text Classification, and Entity ExtractionSource Code Here: NLTK Code HuggingFace Code Comparison Table Here’s a comparison table summarizing when to use Hugging Face Tra...nltk
Anix·Nov 13, 2024NLTK, SpaCy VS Hugging Face #5: Regex, Exact Matching, Entity Recognition, Grammar ParsingSource Code Here: NLTK Code HuggingFace Code Comparison Table Here’s a comparison table summarizing when to use Hugging Face Tra...nltk
Anix·Nov 13, 2024NLTK, SpaCy, Gensim VS Hugging Face 4#: POS Tagging, Parsing, TF-IDF, One-Hot Encoding, and Word2VecNLTK Code HuggingFace Code Comparison Table Here’s a comparison table summarizing which tool (Hugging Face Transformers, SpaCy, ...gensim
Anix·Nov 13, 2024NLTK vs. Hugging Face #3: Visualization, Clustering, NER, Word CloudsNLTK Code HuggingFace Code NLTK Code Chunk 1: Importing NLTK and Displaying Corpus Information Code: import nltk from
Anix·Nov 13, 2024NLTK VS HuggingFace #2 - Emoji replacement, smart quotes handling, stop word removal, stemming, lemmatization, and spell checkingSource code here: NLTK Code HuggingFace Code Table summarizing scenarios where NLTK is still preferable Compared to Hugging Face...nlp
Anix·Nov 13, 2024NLTK/Spacy VS HuggingFace #1 - Tokenization, POS tagging, NER, and summarizationSource code here: NLTK/Spacy Code HuggingFace Code Table summarizing the NLP tasks and which tool is best TaskBest ToolReaso...nltk