Corey ButlerforAuthor Software·Dec 29, 2024NVM for Windows v1.2.0Installing and switching between different versions of Node.js is a fundamental part of modern software development. With 12M+ downloads and counting, NVM for Windows continues to help the world manage this, but there is considerable room for growth....2 likes·3.3K readsNode.js
Chetan·Aug 1, 2024NVM - Node Version ManagerNode version issues To run any Angular project, we need to have a specific version of Node.js installed. Installing Node.js requires admin rights, but we can only install and use one version at a time. About NVM NVM is a tool that manages multip...nvm
N Praveen·May 15, 2024Managing Node.js Versions with .nvmrcSetting up a .nvmrc file ensures consistency in Node.js versions across your project team, minimizing version-related issues and maintaining uniform development environments. The .nvmrc file informs Node Version Manager (NVM) which Node.js version to...10 likesNode.js
Brian·Jan 24, 2024Installing Node and NPM with NVM.TL;DR. This post provides a step-by-step guide on how to install NVM (Node Version Manager) for managing Node and NPM versions. It covers everything from the prerequisites and installation of CURL to installing and activating NVM. It then details how...28 readsThe Ops SeriesNode.js
Tanvir Ahmed·Sep 25, 2023React Native CLI Installation Guide for Linux (Ubuntu22.04)Nodejs Installation Install the Nodejs (Latest Version Preferrable) for Ubuntu distribution $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install nodejs $ sudo apt install npm $ node --version # Check For Successful Installation $ npm --version You can use NVM t...67 readsReact Native