Jyotiprakash Mishrablog.jyotiprakash.org·Jan 18, 2024Process Scheduling Numericals for PracticeFCFS P1: Arrival Time = 2, Burst Time = 6 P2: Arrival Time = 5, Burst Time = 2 P3: Arrival Time = 1, Burst Time = 8 P4: Arrival Time = 0, Burst Time = 3 P5: Arrival Time = 4, Burst Time = 4 Determine the order of completion, and calculate the average...857 readsnumerical examples
Narottam Choudharynarottam.hashnode.dev·Sep 23, 2023CPU SchedulingCPU scheduling is a critical task of operating systems that optimizes work completion within a computing system. It ensures that while one process is actively using the CPU, others may temporarily wait, often due to resource unavailability like I/O o...10 likes·48 readsoperating system