Abdul Basit Khan (Abdul Basit)abdulbasitblog.hashnode.dev·Apr 6, 2024Non-Primitive Data Types in JavaScriptWelcome back, learners! In this blog post, we'll explore JavaScript's non-primitive data types. While primitive types are the building blocks, non-primitive types like Objects and Functions allow us to create complex structures and wield the true pow...Non Primitive Data Types
Saqibiamsaqib.hashnode.dev·Dec 11, 2023Primitive vs. Reference Types in JavaScriptIn JavaScript, Only values have types, variables are just simple containers for those values. Using the typeof operator you can check the data type of a value. Primitive types: These are simple, immutable data types that are stored directly in memory...2 likes·55 readsreference types in javascript
Ankit Sandalankitsandal.hashnode.dev·Sep 24, 2023JavaScript Data TypesIntroduction 🧾 JavaScript is a powerful and versatile programming language that can be used for various purposes such as web development, data analysis, game development, and more. However, to master JavaScript, you need to understand the basics of ...Primitive datatypes
Dhiraj Inchalkaranjidhirajdi.hashnode.dev·Jun 29, 2023JavaScript IntroductionWhat is JavaScript? JavaScript is a scripting language that is one of the three core languages used to develop websites. Whereas HTML and CSS give a website structure and style, JavaScript lets you add functionality and behaviors to your website, all...JavaScript
Badreddine Boudaoudbadreddineboudaoud.hashnode.dev·Mar 30, 2023Value type vs Reference type in JavaScriptIntroduction JavaScript is a dynamic, loosely typed language that allows developers to create and manipulate variables with ease. One of the fundamental concepts in JavaScript is the difference between reference and value types. Understanding the dif...73 readsvalue types
Kiprotich Dominickiprotichdominic.hashnode.dev·Feb 26, 2023Value Types and Reference TypesValue Types In JavaScript, a value type is also referred to as a primitive type. These are the most basic data types in the language and include: String Number Boolean Null Undefined Symbol (added in ES6) When a primitive value is assigned to...40 readsJavascript 30 Concepts In 30primitive
Vatsal Singhheyvats.hashnode.dev·Feb 25, 2023Why does it return false when we compare two similar objects in JavaScript?Hello everyone, tired of searching and being confused about why two similar objects return false when we compare them. So, today I am here to solve all your doubts and make sure you got the concept of it. Objects in JS? You must be curious that what ...12 likes·110 readsJavaScript
Madhu Pallesmartcookie.hashnode.dev·Dec 18, 2022Java Data typesEvery variable in java must be supposed as the specified datatype. And these data types are classified into two types. Primitive Datatypes Non-Primitive Datatypes. Primitive DataTypes: Primitive DataTypes tells us the size and type of variable va...90 readsJava Programming & DSAjava data types
Pranita Patilpranitapatil.hashnode.dev·Oct 3, 2022Why Primitive and Non-primitive datatypes in JavaScript works differently when we try to copy data from one variable to another?In JavaScript, Primitive data types are - string, number, boolean, undefined, null, symbol and non-primitive data types are - arrays and objects which are also known as Reference data types. Let's see how it gets stored - There are basically two typ...1 likePrimitive datatypes