John·Jul 8, 2024Deep Dive to Android R8 & Proguard [Part 2]Introduction 📖 In this second part we will further analyze the R8 compiler and the rules we can apply, in order to feet to our project. R8 vs Proguard 🥊 As we discussed in the first part R8 is a replacement tool for Proguard. But what are actual th...Discussandroid app development
Smaranjit·Jul 8, 2024Obfuscating Python Code with Subdora🤔 What is "obfuscation"? In the context of programming, obfuscation or Code Obfuscation is the practice of making the source code of an application difficult for humans to understand while still allowing it to function correctly when executed by a c...Discuss·10 likes·67 readsPython
Sam·Aug 18, 2023Control Flow Flattening: How to build your ownI was really really excited when Open Obfuscator was launched. I've enjoyed the challenges that application obfuscation have given us over the years, and it was fun to find a well documented and open source obfuscator that we could play with and try ...Discuss·10 likes·1.4K readsreverse engineering
Sam·Aug 3, 2023Removing Control Flow Flattening with Binary NinjaIf you've been reversing for a while then eventually you'll come up against a control flow graph that looks like this: This is a simple toy app hosted at if you feel like following along at home. The plug...Discuss·10 likes·1.7K readsreverse engineering
Hung·Jul 20, 2023XSS and how JSFuck just f*cked my brainThe digital age has brought with it numerous advantages, but also new security threats. XSS, which stands for “Cross-Site Scripting”, has been one of the most frequent issues in the OWASP Top 10. One of the ways we can combat XSS is to properly sanit...Discuss·1 like·73 readsexploit
Tawanda·Feb 6, 2023How to view .Net application source code and hiding itHave you ever liked an application to the point that you want to view its source code? Well, I have been there. For .Net executable files and libraries such as DLL files, viewing the source code is a piece of cake as long as the code is not obfuscate...Discuss·73 readsdotnet
Kiran·Dec 25, 2022Javascript obfustication and Re-obfusticationJavascript is an interpreted and lightweight programming language which will be found in most Dynamic websites. It’s one of the most recognized languages in web development. It has a variety of use cases, which can vary from animating some elements t...Discuss·1 like·200 readsJavascript obfustication
Felix·Sep 29, 2022Code shrinking and obfuscation Using R8 in AndroidCode shrinking and obfuscation helps you to significantly reduce the size of your application. Enabling shrinking, you benefit from obfuscation, which shortens the names of your app’s classes and members, and optimization, which applies more aggressi...Discuss·75 readscode shrinking
Anthony·Jul 18, 2022Obfuscate JavaScript code using Node.jsUse the JavaScript Obfuscator library in Node.js to obfuscate JavaScript code As a developer, you spend a lot of time building, developing, and debugging your code. The last thing you want is for someone else to have the ability to steal all of your ...Discuss·169 readsJavaScript