Jyotiprakash Mishrablog.jyotiprakash.org·Dec 18, 2024Introduction to Inheritance in Java (including interfaces and abstract classes)Imagine you’re building software for different types of vehicles: cars, trucks, and motorcycles. Each of these vehicles shares common attributes like speed, color, and fuel capacity, as well as behaviors like accelerate, brake, and refuel. Instead of...323 readsInterfaces
Canercanerozdemir.hashnode.dev·Dec 18, 2024Unity'de Yazılım Mimarisi Oluşturma : Bileşim (Composition) ve Kalıtım (Inheritance)Yazılım mühendisliğinin her alanında olduğu gibi, Unity ile oyun geliştirirken de en çok dikkat edilmesi gereken konulardan birisinin (belki de en çok dikkat edilmesi gereken konunun) doğru bir mimari ile projeyi yürütmek olduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Yaz...1 like·129 readsC#
Ibrahim Alausatheworldclassibro.hashnode.dev·Dec 17, 2024PHP 8.4 release: Practical changes you can make to improve code quality today!PHP 8.4, released on November 21, 2024, is loaded with exciting new features that can elevate your coding experience. Trust me, there’s plenty to be excited about! But instead of covering every single change, this article will spotlight some practica...10 likesPHP
Mitali sahuwhat-is-oops.hashnode.dev·Dec 17, 2024What is polymorphism?Poly means many and morphism means form. Polymorphism is is Greek word which means “One object having different behavior”. for ex : A human is a best example of polymorphism like a human can be a student, teacher, customer, or a friend, like a person...polymorphism
Linus Benknerlinu.us·Dec 16, 2024Exploring Inheritance in PHPHello! Now you know the fundamentals of classes in PHP, it's time to move on to inheritance. In case you missed the previous posts, you can follow the series here. What is Inheritance? The concept of inheritance allows us to create a class that deriv...1 likeMastering PHP: From Basics to Advanced Design PatternsPHP
Mitali sahuwhat-is-oops.hashnode.dev·Dec 15, 2024How many classes we can take in single file of javaWe can take multiple class in single file as per our need but only one class must be public which contain main method.Java
Tuanhdotnettuanhnet.hashnode.dev·Dec 12, 2024Techniques for Implementing the Service Locator Pattern in JavaSource: Techniques for Implementing the Service Locator Pattern in Java 1. Introduction to the Service Locator Pattern The Service Locator pattern is a design pattern used to abstract the process of obtaining instances of services. Inste...oop
Jyotiprakash Mishrablog.jyotiprakash.org·Dec 11, 2024Introduction to Classes & Objects in JavaIn Java, object-oriented programming (OOP) allows developers to model real-world entities and their interactions. At the heart of OOP lies the class. A class serves as a blueprint for creating objects, which encapsulate both state and behavior. Imagi...3 likes·331 readsclasses
Mitali sahuwhat-is-oops.hashnode.dev·Dec 10, 2024EncapsulationEncapsulation is the mechanism of binding the private variable and public method in a single unit is called as encapsulation. Encapsulation is one of the most important concept of object oriented programming language. Main purpose of encapsulation is...oop
Mitali sahuwhat-is-oops.hashnode.dev·Dec 9, 2024Type of inheritanceDefinition → Creating a new class (sub class) that acquires all the properties of another class is called is inheritance. In java we achieve concept of inheritance with the help of extends keyword. THERE ARE MAINLY 5 TYPE OF INHERITANCE Single inher...oop