Darsh Pateldarsh-patel.hashnode.dev·Nov 30, 2024Why OOPS is Still the Superhero of Programming (Despite the Hate)OOP brought order to the chaos of spaghetti code. But today some of my friends say, it’s over-engineered, over-complicated, and overrated. Are they right? Let’s find out why OOP is still the key part of the modern programming world and how it’s a bri...DiscussProgramming Blogs
Srushtisrushti1200.hashnode.dev·Nov 18, 2024OOP : Journey from Procedural BeginningsLet’s start with when humans started programming… https://media.giphy.com/media/qOqEd8lOUH8bzVi4Ca/giphy.gif?cid=790b7611uy39cj4wu8t84xqf8d5zvidweqehv20p7nrhdeiv&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g Ohh no! That would be too long ago. But you can...DiscussGeneral Programming
Bharat Kumarbharat2044.hashnode.dev·Feb 15, 2024What is POJO Class in Java ?POJO stands for Plain Old Java Object. It is a term used to describe a Java class that follows simple conventions and does not depend on any specific frameworks or libraries. A POJO typically contains private fields with corresponding getter and set...Discuss·1 likepojo
Mukesh Pareekmkshprk.hashnode.dev·Sep 14, 2023🚀 Demystifying Composition and Inheritance using Java! 🧙♂️💫Hey there, fellow developers! 🖥️ Let's unravel the magic of two fundamental concepts in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): Composition and Inheritance, using a spellbinding example involving Wizards and Sorcerers in Java. 🪄📜 🌟 Composition - The A...DiscussJava