Dhanush Ndhanushnehru.hashnode.dev·Jun 5, 2024Introducing sudoku-puzzle: Simplify your Sudoku experience with this new NPM PackageHi there 👋 I’m excited to share the release of sudoku-puzzle, my newest npm package! This package is for puzzle lovers who wish to produce and solve Sudoku puzzles programmatically, or for developers who want to incorporate Sudoku puzzles into their...20 likesopensource
Raaj Aryanraajaryan.tech·Jun 3, 2024How to Create Your Own Memes GeneratorProject:- 3/500 Meme Generator Project Description The Meme Generator project is a web-based application that allows users to create their own memes. Users can upload images or provide image URLs, add custom text to the top and bottom of the image, ...10 likes·55 readsULTIMATE-JAVASCRIPT-PROJECTJavaScript
Apache Answeranswerdev.hashnode.dev·May 20, 2024Apply for Apache Answer’s Project at OSPP 2024Calling all students passionate about open-source software development! Apache Answer is waiting for you in OSPP 2024. The Open Source Promotion Program (OSPP), initiated by the the Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences, is an exciting su...Open Source
Anmol Baranwalanmolbaranwal.hashnode.dev·Feb 1, 2024A complete guide to open source - 100x simplerIt has been more than 500 days for me in Open Source. I've answered 35+ discussions on GitHub (actively participated in 300+), successfully merged over 200 PRs, earned 500+ Stars, and contributed to more than 40 repositories. I know enough to guide p...5 likesOpen Source
Rahimrahimdev.hashnode.dev·Sep 14, 2023The best strategy to learn and actually get good at any programming language or technologyIn the fast-paced world of technology, the quest for knowledge and skill enhancement is an eternal journey. With an ever-expanding array of programming languages, frameworks, and technologies, staying relevant and proficient can seem like a Herculean...Open Source Projects
Debsourya Dattadebsourya-blogs.hashnode.dev·Jun 2, 2023Open Source Contribution for beginnersIntro Nowadays I am watching a lot of folks getting into open source and I am very happy with that. Even I am a beginner in open source, but after doing a few contributions I am here to help the absolute beginners to do their first contributions. Str...1 like·210 readsOpen Source
Spandan Mukherjeesparksaga.hashnode.dev·May 16, 2023Open Source: From Origins to InnovationIntroduction: Open source development has revolutionized the world of technology, enabling collaboration, transparency, and innovation on a global scale. In this blog post, we will embark on a journey through the history of open source, exploring its...3 likesOpen Source
Aksh Darjiaksh2002.hashnode.dev·Apr 4, 2023Open Source Programs and InternshipsWhat is Open Source? Open source refers to software or projects that are freely accessible, editable, and distributable by anyone. Open source projects are typically developed in a collaborative manner by a community of developers, who work together ...11 likes·88 readsTech and TipsOpen Source Community
Maryblessing Okolieukdevv.hashnode.dev·Mar 10, 2023[Becoming] Open Source Community Manager - #1Hello there, and welcome to the first series in the tenth series of Becoming an opensource community manager. This series is designed to help you get started as a community manager in open source. Whether you just started your open source career as a...7 likes·169 reads[Becoming] An Open Source Community ManagerOpen Source
Stephen Pauliamstepaul.hashnode.dev·Feb 10, 2023Understanding and Managing Open Source Licenses for Your ProjectAs a software developer, using open-source libraries and tools in your projects can be extremely beneficial. Open-source projects can save you time and effort by providing pre-written code that can be easily integrated into your work. However, with t...Open Source