Ronald·Dec 3, 2024📡The Case for More Open-Source Compatible Networking Hardware🌐Networking hardware and software have traditionally been tightly coupled, with vendors providing proprietary solutions that lock users into their ecosystems. But the rise of open-source software has shown the immense potential for innovation and flex...10 likesOpen Source
Ronald·Nov 18, 2024⛔Implementing Security & Web Categorization Blocking with OpenWRT & BanIP🚷In a world where cyber threats are constantly evolving, having robust network security is non-negotiable. Small businesses in South Africa face unique challenges, including limited IT budgets and the need for simple yet effective solutions. Fortunate...6 likesOpenWRT·Nov 4, 2024Router MiFi gama media y altaTal y como se comentó en el anterior artículo sobre routers MiFi, pasamos ha abordar una segunda parte donde comentar a fondo un equipo de gama media/alta. En éste caso se trata del modelo XE300(Puli) 4GLTE de la conocida marca GL. iNET, especializad...routers mifi
Ronald·Sep 21, 2024🎣Unlocking VPN Flexibility with Fusion's SD-WAN NFV Using OpenWrt & libvirtd🎏In today’s fast-paced business environment, where remote work and secure inter-site connectivity are crucial, the demand for flexible and scalable networking solutions is ever-increasing. Fusion's SD-WAN platform not only addresses this with its core...6 likesOpenWRT
Ronald·Jul 27, 2024📞Creating a Guest Wi-Fi on OpenWRT that can only access WhatsApp🤙This is a article explains how to configure OpenWRT so that a guest WiFi can only access Whatsapp but it can be used generically to whitelist access from the guest Wi-Fi. Make certain the /etc/resolv.conf has Quad9 as the name server: search lan name...1 like·53 readsOpenWRTOpenWRT·Jul 14, 2024ESXi 8 安装 ImmortalWrt相关环境 ESXi 版本:ESXi 8.0.0 平台:x86/64 ImmortalWrt 版本:23.05.2 制作 VMDK 镜像文件 下载 ImmortalWrt 镜像 下载地址: 型号:Generic x86/64 版本:23.05.2 镜像类型:squashfs-combined-efi.vmdk 制作适用于 ESXi 的 VMDK 镜像 ESXi UI 打开 导航器 > 存储 > [datastore...563 readsOpenWrtImmortalWrt·Jul 13, 2024ESXi 8 安装 iStoreOS相关环境 本地主机为 MacBook Pro ESXi 版本为 ESXi 8.0.0,CPU 为 Intel N100 安装 iStoreOS 版本为 istoreos-22.03.6 制作适用于 ESXi 的 VMDK 文件 下载 iStoreOS 镜像 下载页面: 查找以「-x86-64-squashfs-combined-efi.img.gz」结尾的文件,一般下载最新的即可 制作适用于一般...421 readsOpenWrtiStoreOS
Ronald·Jun 16, 2024📱Best Applications to Install on openWRT👍upspot A captive portal system for OpenWrt Argon Argon is a clean and tidy OpenWrt LuCI theme that allows users to customize their login interface with images or videos. It also supports automatic and manual switchi...10 likes·3.1K readsOpenWRTOpenWRT
Ronald·Apr 28, 2024🐓Implementing OSPF on OpenWRT 🛜OpenWRT is a great solution that can be implemented in various NFVs. It is lean and mean and can be used at the edge or even within a data centre. Here we explain on how to implement OSPF of the platform using Free Range Routing. opkg update opkg ins...10 likes·1.1K readsOpenWRTFree Range Routing
Ronald·Apr 28, 2024🔑CyberSecurity | Configuring an overlay Wireguard 🗑️Wireguard allows the creation of a quick overlay network in a basic hub and spoke configuration. Will setup a basic 3 node hub and spoke overlay. Alpha - Server Bravo - Client Charlie - Hub Install the wireguard software on the server, client and hub...9 likes·50 readsOpenWRTHub and spoke