·May 26, 2024Rust Mastery Week #2Welcome back to our Rust programming journey! This is week #2. Today, we'll dive into some crucial concepts such as statements vs. expressions, comments, control flow, loops, structs, enums, options and results, pattern matching, and using modules to...rust mod
Anjanesh·Feb 17, 2024Capture Option data on Select ChangeSometimes we want to 'listen' to an event change of the select element. Especially when the option is changed - and get the newly selected value and store it elsewhere. For this we use onchange on the select element and not on the option element. The...92 readsHTML·Dec 28, 2023Rust Learning Note: Exception HandlingThis article is a summary of Chapter 4.8 of Rust Course ( Type Conversions of Option<T> and Result<T> or() and and() or() and and() are similar to the or and and in boolean expressions. They evaluate an Option/Result from two Option/Result...option