Stanislav·Sep 8, 2024Swift. Numbers. And their limits (Part 1)All We Have Swift provides a variety of number types: Int, Float, Double and others. Each of these types serves a distinct purpose, offering storage options for different kinds of numeric data. Signed Integers With 64-bit systems now making up more t...DiscussSwift
Filip·Jul 19, 2024The Hidden Bug in Binary SearchThe following code is my very first implementation of Binary Search in Java (which returns the index of the target element in the array): public static int binarySearch(int[] arr, int target) { int start = 0; int end = arr.length - 1; int...Discuss·1 likeBinary Search Algorithm
Hooman PegahmehrforApplication·Aug 2, 2023Tiny PowerShell Project 2 - Recursion and Call Depth OverflowRecursion in PowerShell (and in programming in general) refers to a technique where a function or method calls itself repeatedly until a certain condition is met. It is a powerful programming concept used for solving problems that can be broken down ...Discuss·34 readsTiny PowerShell ProjectsRecursion
Lim·May 12, 2023[CSS] Overflow - Explained with Examples.What is CSS Overflow? CSS overflow is used when the size of the child element is larger than the parent element. Then, the overflow occurs because the content of the child element is bigger. For example: <div style="height: 200px; width: 250px; borde...DiscussCSS
David·May 1, 2023What is an Overflow?An overflow and underflow happen when we assign a value that is out of range of the declared data type of the variable. If the (absolute) value is too big, we call it overflow, if the value is too small, we call it underflow. The simplest overflow is...Discuss·30 readsThe Basics2Articles1Week
Abiodun·Jan 7, 2023Solidity Attack Vectors #2 - Arithmetic Overflow and UnderflowOverflow Overflow is a state uint (unsigned integer) reaches its maximum value, and the next element added will return the default value. uint8 can hold values within the range(0, 255), if the value of an arithmetic operation becomes greater than 255...Discuss·28 readsSolidity
Michael·Nov 25, 2022overflow and underflow in solidityHello readers, in this article I will be explaining explicitly overflow and underflow in solidity. Before I define what overflow and underflow are, you need to know about unsigned integer(uint). Overflow and underflow happens because of uint and reas...Discussunderflow
Saurav·Nov 22, 2022OverFlow Property in CSSThe overflow property determines what will happen is text/content overflows the container. It removes extra text/content or add scroll button on the basis of attribute we are giving to overflow property. By default it is set to overflow:visible. <bod...DiscussHTML CSS LearningsBlogsWithCC