Rajon Deyrajondey.hashnode.dev·Sep 19, 2024Database ParadigmsWhen we talk about database paradigms, we're referring to different models or approaches for storing and accessing data. Each paradigm has its strengths and is suited to specific types of data and use cases. Let's explore some of the most common para...DATABASE 101Databases
Ian Cawoodiancawood.hashnode.dev·Aug 17, 2024Delving into ParadigmsI won't go too much into the theory here because there are CS courses available online that cover these topics. However, here is a nice video on imperative vs functional programming. Mostly, I will focus on what I've learned in the course so far (imp...Learning Backend Developmentprogramming languages
Nidal Iguerblog.inidal.dev·Mar 18, 2024Unlocking the Code: A Beginner's Guide to the Digital Frontier📝 Introduction for Beginners: This article is crafted to introduce programming concepts in a way that's accessible to beginners. It aims to simplify complex ideas into understandable terms. While this introduction serves as a great starting point, t...59 readsDev Journeyparadigm
Mohit Palstartnew.hashnode.dev·Jan 12, 2024Top Programming Paradigms:1.Imperative Programming: Imperative programming describe a sequence of steps that change in program' s state. Language like C,C++,Java, Python and many others support imperative programming styles. 2.Declarative Programming: Declarative programming ...2Articles1Week
Jonayed Baperijonayed.hashnode.dev·Dec 10, 2023Basics of Programming ParadigmsA programming paradigm is a fundamental approach or style of programming that provides a set of principles, concepts, and techniques for designing and implementing computer programs. Here are some of the most common programming paradigms with brief d...prgramming
Akhil Kadangodeakhil.se·Nov 15, 2023Identifying and Solving Common Code SmellsIn software development, maintaining a clean and efficient codebase is crucial. Recognizing code smells, which are warning signs indicating potential problems in your code, is an essential skill. While they don't directly affect the functioning of th...74 readscode smell
Safiul Kabirsafiulkabir.com·Aug 6, 2023Intro to Divide and Conquer ParadigmIn computer science, divide and conquer is an algorithm design paradigm. An algorithmic paradigm or algorithm design paradigm is a generic model or framework which underlies the design of a class of algorithms. An algorithmic paradigm is an abstracti...34 readsalgorithms
Robiul H.robiul.dev·Jul 15, 2023What are Programming Paradigms? - Master all Popular OnesIntroduction Have you ever found yourself wondering what people mean when they talk about 'object-oriented programming' or 'functional programming'? These terms can sound confusing and leave you scratching your head, unsure of their true meaning. Wel...171 likes·1.0K readsJavaScript
SAM 🦅blog.mavrick.dev·Jun 29, 2023[React]Programming paradigms & techniques comparison in Action using TypeScriptProgramming paradigms have been developed to offer various approaches and methodologies for tackling problems in software development. Each paradigm comes with its own set of strengths and weaknesses, making them better suited for specific types of c...10 likes·7.4K readsReact
M B A R Kmbarkt3sto.hashnode.dev·May 31, 2023Functional Programming ParadigmFunctional programming is a programming paradigm that focuses on writing code by composing pure functions to solve problems. It emphasizes immutability, higher-order functions, and declarative programming. While C# is primarily an object-oriented lan...33 readsC#