Smit·Apr 2, 2024Igniting ⚡️ our React App with ParcelWhy your React App is so FAST (just like the Flash guys from TBBT above😜) & Optimised? Is it just React which does all this? The Answer is NO. Let's see how ✍🏻 Our Production code, we need it to be: Minified (removing comments, etc) Compressed b...45 readsReact·Jul 31, 2023How to use Parcel.js for bundling your Web ApplicationAs Akshay Saini says, "Parcel is a BEAST!" It is ACTUALLY a Beast. It makes a Web Developer's Life easy. I recently joined Namaste React Course by Akshay Saini. He is a Splendid teacher. There is an episode of the Namaste React Course called Igniting...1 like·271 readsparcel bundler
Krishna·Jul 19, 2023Parcel's Core FeaturesWhat is a parcel? Parcel is a module bundler. A module bundler is a tool that takes multiple JavaScript or CSS files and their dependencies and combines them into a single, optimized file (or sometimes multiple files) for use in a web application. ...Bundler