Jay Kadlagblog.devwithjay.com·Jan 23, 2025Client-Server ArchitectureIntroduction The client-server architecture is a revolutionary concept that fundamentally changed how applications are built and deployed. It introduced the idea of separating the client and server into distinct components, allowing the core pieces o...244 likes·400 readsChaiCode
Web3 Learning Orbweb3learningorb.hashnode.dev·Dec 5, 2024P-2-P MarketplaceIntroduction The rise of peer-to-peer (P2P) marketplaces was a transformation to the way we buy and sell goods and services. By connecting buyers and sellers directly, P2P marketplaces eliminate intermediaries, reduce costs, and increase efficiency. ...10 likespeer to peer
Aditya Guptaadityaguptaa.hashnode.dev·Jul 7, 2024The Art of Consistent HashingWhile reading the paper "Scaling Memcached at Facebook", I came across Consistent Hashing. What started as a quick read became an hour-long obsession with this topic! My journey to understanding consistent hashing was a long one. This blog is here to...61 readsHashing
Pranav Bawgikarpranavbawg.hashnode.dev·Jun 16, 2024The basics of Distributed Systems[13] Introduction Once upon a time, there was an ice-cream maker named Ben with the most delicious ice cream in town. His truck was always buzzing with happy customers, but lately, things had gotten a little crazy! The line stretched around the block...distributed system
Rohit Paulrohitpaul.hashnode.dev·May 15, 2024Exploring Peer-to-Peer Networks: The Backbone of Blockchain DecentralizationImagine a neighborhood where everyone borrows and lends items directly with each other without needing a store or a middleman. This scenario exemplifies the concept of a peer-to-peer (P2P) network, which is central to the operation of blockchain tech...1 likeBlockchain
Denil Gabaniblog.denilgabani.com·Mar 25, 2024Just Curious about WebRTC...Intro Recently I got curious🤔 about WebRTC. How?? So I have seen many production-ready applications that work with HTTPS, Kafka, and all other trending technologies but they still take a lot of time to send data from one device to another device. So...1 like·427 readsWebRTC
Arya SoniforXeroCodee Blog'sblog.xerocodee.com·Feb 9, 2024"Essential Software Architectural Patterns for Robust System Design" 🏛️💻Software design is pivotal in defining a software system's architecture, ensuring it meets specific requirements through a detailed blueprint. This blueprint, consisting of design documents or diagrams, guides developers in crafting a final product t...architecture
Michael QuigleyforOpenZiti Tech Blogblog.openziti.io·Jan 25, 2024The zrok Drives CLI PreviewWith the release of v0.4.23, zrok now includes a set of CLI commands that simplifies the management of zrok virtual drives. This is an early preview of the full set of zrok Drives tools. If this is your first time enountering zrok, check out the enti...106 readszrokzrok
Michael QuigleyforOpenZiti Tech Blogblog.openziti.io·Nov 20, 2023zrok Drives (an Early Preview)If you've been following my "office hours" video series, you know that I've been mentioning something called "zrok Drives" for weeks now. With the release of v0.4.14, we've got our first look at some of the things that are to come. In case you're no...1 like·925 readszrokCloud
Oscar Johnoscarjohn.hashnode.dev·Nov 20, 2023Lets build a Simple P2P Lending Application in GoWelcome to the comprehensive tutorial on building a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lending Platform using Go. In the ever-evolving landscape of financial technology, P2P lending platforms have gained significant attention for their ability to connect borrowers d...96 readsGo Language