Hemachandrahemachandra.hashnode.dev·Aug 18, 2024Disabling GIL - Unleashing the True Power of PythonIntroduction Python is finally getting rid of its major limitation, the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL), which it has had since 1991. Before explaining what the GIL is, let's understand how computers and programming languages were designed in the 1990s...Discuss·10 likes·242 readsNoGIL
Raineraineyang.hashnode.dev·May 28, 2024PyTA Project: Checking Pycodestyle Error in test_examples.pyThis article is a continuation of the previous task (https://raineyang.hashnode.dev/pyta-project-refactoring-testcheckondir-in-testcheckpy), in which I left the problem that the refactored test_examples module does not check for PEP8 errors due to di...DiscussPython
Gideon Baturegideonbature.hashnode.dev·Aug 7, 2023Fixing the "Command Not Found" Error for PycodestyleIntroduction Pycodestyle based on the Pycodestyle website is a tool that is used to check for compatibility of your Python code style against some of the code conventions in the pep8. This pep8 coding style is taken to be the standard for how Python ...Discuss·12 likes·130 readspycodestyleThank you, this fix helped me. 10
Rodrigo Vianaviana.hashnode.dev·May 16, 2023Guia do PEP 8: Convenções de Estilo de Código PythonVamos abordar agora um pouco sobre o PEP 8. Falarei resumidamente dos principais conceitos dessa convenção Introdução: Quando se trata de escrever código Python limpo, legível e consistente, seguir as diretrizes do PEP 8 é fundamental. O PEP 8 é um...Discuss·1 like·231 readsPython
Nicanor Talks Webblog.nicanor.me·Feb 13, 2023Import Order: A Matter of Readability and MaintainabilityThe import order is a matter of style in Python and other programming languages, and it is often debated among developers whether it matters or not. Some argue that keeping imports organized and sorted makes the code easier to read and maintain, whil...Discuss·117 readsImport
Felipe Bragafebraga.hashnode.dev·Sep 16, 2022Por que no Python a PEP-8 define a linha com no máximo 79 caracteres?Você já deve ter se perguntado o porque no Python a gente escreve código com apenas 79 caracteres por linha e existem alguns bons motivos, alguns oficiais outros nem tanto. Vamos falar deles a seguir: O primeiro motivo é que, em alguns monitores mais...Discuss·104 readsPython
Ryutaro Furutaniryutaro.hashnode.dev·Sep 12, 2022Python Function Design Check ListIntroduction It is very important to name your variable, function and class clearly because it will help not only your teammate but also yourself in the future. In this article, I will help you to learn how you should write your code for companies. 1...Discuss·162 readsPython
Sobechi Evans-Ibesobecodes.hashnode.dev·Aug 22, 2022How to Test Python Codes with PycodestyleIntroduction Your friend, Edmund, who just started to learn python, has finished his first project. He built a text-based adventure game to test his abilities. Edmund wishes to impress his assessors. So, he wants you to take a look at his code, make ...Discuss·2 likes·196 readsPython
Muhammad Faizanmuhfaizan001.hashnode.dev·Aug 21, 2022Python PEP 8 standardPep8 standards are coding convention which help to write python code. The purpose of Pep8 to write a code in such a way it is easily understand for other. The following are the main pep8 standard points. Variable naming conventions should any one fo...Discuss·251 readsPython